Golden retriever won’t get in our car but will get in anyone else’s


New member
We’re at a bit of a loss as to what to do, so I’m looking for any suggestions at this point. Our 3.5 yr old golden retriever will get in literally anyone else’s car apart from ours. She was fine in our car until last summer, and we think she developed a concern about the car during a particular trip we took (lots of twisty roads, she’d just finished her season and we lost her favourite toy). We’ve made a bit of improvement by giving her rewards for being near the car, and she will get into the car sometimes and we’re rewarding her for that as well. We’ve been working on this for 6 months and it doesn’t feel like it’s getting better. She also has separation anxiety so this means we can’t go anywhere 😅
@hlmueller No guarantees this will work for you. It worked for us.

Save favorite treats. For us, it was dried liver.

Time it when you have two people around.

Time it when pup is hungrier.

Have one adult on opposite side of car with car doors open and treats in hand.

Walk the dog right up and in with smooth motion if possible while person on opposite side calls and treats.

Drive directly to a drive-up window where pip gets pup cup or burger (if no dietary restrictions), then to a favorite play place or play date.

@hlmueller You might try a tactic that’s recommended for getting them acclimated to a crate: feed her regular meals in the car for a while. Or rather, first in the garage/driveway, then right next to the car, then set the bowl on the running board while she remains on the ground, then far enough in that she has to jump in but leave the door open, then fully in with the door closed, and finally while the car is moving. Only advance to the next stage when she’s fully comfortable at the current one.