German shepherd and toddlers

@tirzah85 This was my fear. We haven’t had her very long and I was hoping it was just new home jitters but I don’t want to put my kids at risk, especially if this isn’t something we can correct quickly.
@brittneynt14 Sorry, realise you don't want to give up on the dog. But that is really scary behaviour. I have kids myself and know it's extremely difficult to watch toddlers all the time, and pets.

Maybe start by talking to the place you got the dog from.
@tirzah85 As a parent the final decision needs to be what OP feels is best for the children. However, I think the dog is recognizing the toddlers as the ones needing herding and life lessons.
@brittneynt14 I can see this is an unpopular opinion but whatever…

Get rid of the dog. Good fucking grief…she’s not your family. I can’t believe I have to say this: she’s a DOG. Your children are your family.Your cat is your pet that you already have made a commitment to. Get a dog that is good with your kids and meshes with your cat. I have a very mouthy GSD, I know what the breed is like, but he has never hurt or left a mark on my children. It’s your job to protect your children. Get your priorities straight.
@bkrolex I do. My children are first and foremost and that is the reason why I’m reaching out. I will not be an irresponsible pet owner but I will also not allow my children to be in danger. I have to wait out the weekend before I can do anything with her because I’m not comfortable rehoming her with this issue so I need to figure out what I can do in the meantime or if I’m doing something wrong. I haven’t had a dog since I was a kid and I definitely do not know this breed personally. I can do all the research I want but I’ve never had first hand experience with them and I would rather listen to owners of them rather than forums.
@brittneynt14 Don’t take this to heart OP.
Some people just need to be rude on the internet because they don’t get enough attention in the real world.
You’re doing the right thing asking questions, getting advice and pursuing training. If your pup was inflicting actual aggression then it would be time to remove her from the situation.
But it’s just a matter of redirecting her from her herding instinct until she unlearns the behaviour.
We’ve all been there, from rescues to pure breds. Any experienced GSD owner will agree and understand you.
Best of luck OP! You’ve got this :)
@brittneynt14 Sorry but even with training.. any dog that nips at your children should be returned wherever it came from. I know it’s hard and that’s not something you want to do because you might feel like you failed the dog BUT always and forever HUMAN children above dogs.