Found puppy in a highway

@bella7 Maybe get some puppy pads, so at least she/he has a place to go in an emergency. So cute, thank goodness you found her/him. I highly doubt anyone is looking. Likely dumped. So glad you found this poor thing. Please update.
@vellaswin Just know that it’s tougher to train them to pee outdoors if you’ve allowed them to pee inside on puppy pads.
A good enzymatic cleaner is Nature’s Miracle.
@bethany35 Yes, I know all about that. I’ve raised 5 puppies. But them knowing that there’s a safe place to go if they can’t handle it reduces their stress. My current pee pad has been there for several weeks for my 10 month old corgi who has been the slowest one on potty training yet. But I think he’ll be graduating to no puppy pads very soon. I usually wait until it’s not been used for a few weeks before I remove the last one.

I hope yours “gets” it quickly., as some of my corgis have. My last female (passed at 13 from bladder cancer last summer) was my superstar in the potty training, I mean Olympic gold. Regardless, with love and attention to training (lots of outdoor breaks, treats, etc.), they all get there eventually.

Your new pup is very fortunate to have you.
@bella7 Before filling toys with peanut butter, check if the peanut butter has Xylitol, also called birch sugar. That's toxic to dogs. Some brands don't have it amd those are ok.

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