Foster Puppy Advice


New member
We foster bulldogs for a charity and are currently having a challenging time with a new arrival. Exactly how old he isn’t clear due to the way he was handed over to the charity, but I estimate 12-18 months. He’s a English bulldog, completely untrained and no manners at all. He I s very nervous outside the house and a Tasmanian Devil in it! I’ve a good amount of experience with the breed but the only puppy I’ve brought was my own (8 years old when he passed last year). Couple of areas I’d like advice on please.

He enjoys attention but as soon as it’s finished he relentlessly humps 😂 He’s immune to a spray from a water bottle, worked at first but now it’s a game 🫣 So far I’ve just kept putting him in time out and closing the door if he barks. Any ideas on how to deal with the humping straight after giving him attention are welcomed.

We have a resident 8 year old Cockapoo, she’s been fine with all our previous fosters, male and female. But he can’t be in the room with her as he’s at her relentlessly and she’s clearly distressed. She’s usually really good at quickly putting new arrivals in their place but he is on a different level for her and he won’t get the message. Given he’s a foster likely to be in his new home in 2-3 weeks, should we just accept they can’t be together, or is there a path to that in the short term?