Fluoxetine: when does appetite come back to somewhat normal?


New member
Just hit 6 weeks on 40mg for my 70lb dog and I’m wondering when your dogs appetite starting coming back at bit? (If it came back at all lol). I actually titrated the medication if that makes a difference. 10mg first week, 20 the next, so technically he’s only been on his prescribed dose for 3 weeks so far. I switched to giving it at night time before bed versus AM because AM he didn’t even wanna look at food. He used to eat kibble with some crushed up freeze dried toppers over it and hydrated w bone broth easily before the meds. Even had to use a slow feeder at times and now I have to hand feed him home cooked (balanced still) food because I’d rather spend the extra money to ensure he eats, but now I’m like ok how much longer of this 😂 curious what you all have experienced.

Update: At 4weeks on the correct dose, he is eating kibble again! Small doses but before he would look at kibble like it was repulsive 😂 this makes me excited for his food drive to slowly creep back for our training!
@ttolainchrist Oh I love to hear that! I can tell my dog is less frantic too already. He used to trigger seek the second we’d leave the home and now he can just chill and sniff the outside smells versus scanning for dogs! But I just want my boy to eat normally :(
@danno2015 The side effects start over with each dosage increase, so you are only in week 3, and still have a chance the appetite will get better within a month maybe.

For my dog it didn’t though, so we switched to Sertraline and later Venlafaxine, neither of those affected my dog’s appetite negatively at all.
@mlprice Ah that makes a lot of sense. I completely forgot I didn’t start with the recommended dose right off the bat when I was considering how long he’s been on it. I think I’ll give it another full month and see how it goes then, thank you!
@danno2015 Prozac did not help, but made my dog miserable.

Sertraline still didn’t help, but less side effects.

Venlafaxine is helping some, and very light on the side effects.

What works for one doesn’t have to work for another, it’s all trial and error due to individual brain chemistry.
@mlprice I can sympathize with my dog because when I was prescribed these same meds a few years ago I had to switch to 3 different ones too 😂 some made me feel too numb. Definitely trial and error. I just hate wondering like do I stick it out and see if it’s a loading period situation or is this how he’s gonna be and i feel bad and need to switch him lol. I think I need to wait it out since it hasn’t been that long on the new dosage. Thanks for the tips
@danno2015 My dog was on a low dose for a few weeks but we stopped due to appetite issues. Our vet recommended that if she was eating less than 3/4 of her regular amount, we should just try a different medication. Seems like others have had success with waiting it out though!