First time ACD owner, tips on exercise and schedule for the puppy?


New member
I have a heeler/aussie/border mix 8 months old puppy that I adopted 3 months ago. I actually had no idea he’s a heeler until the DNA result came out, since shelter refused to give in any information about his breed. He didn’t look like a typical ACD, so it was a pleasant surprise, but explained a lot of his behaviors. (We thought he was a Dalmatian mix or English setter mix if anything!)

Having no experience with a heeler before, I’d love to ask you guys for some advices on his current schedule, and whether if this looks ok for them!

Morning (start the day at 7 or 8):
- 1 hour of walk + 20-30 minutes of fetch afterwards OR 1-2 hours of recall/fetch training in open park
- training with his breakfast , after the exercise
- back to crate at 12:00 or 1:00

- 30 minutes potty walk, with 15-20 min in trainings as well
- in crate while I work on projects

- training with dinner
- 1 hour of walk + 30-40 minutes fetch
- free around the house till 10:00 or 11:00, than back to crate to sleep

I’ve been taking him out for 2 hours morning hike twice a week as well, to help let out his energy. He also get constant play date with my neighbor’s and my friend’s puppy!
I’m still actively seeking ways to help him exercise, so any advices appreciate!

A pic of Dia, the hyper fur ball!
@honganh94 Sounds great, honestly I think he's a very lucky furball! Just be careful of over-exercising a puppy. Can harm their joints and/or bones, and they don't know when to stop.