Fearful/Reactive pup & 8 month old


New member
Hi all, I am new here. I have a 3 year old fearful/reactive pup and 8 month old. His fearfulness is towards the world in general if it’s not something he’s familiar with. His reactivity is to dogs only. He’s done very well with the baby but now that she has begun to be mobile there have been a few instances where he tries to (what i believe, as he does this with myself and my husband) is initiate play. (We are ALWAYS supervising and they are never left alone)He’ll jump into a play a bow, extend his paw, etc. There has also been 2 instances now where she has been sitting up and he jumped toward her and knocked her over. Should I be concerned? Does this sound aggressive in nature? What should i do if this behavior continues?
@senam I would personally never let a child and dog interact like that. When the baby is on the floor the dog is safely behind a gate. That is how you teach the dog boundaries, no access to perform inappropriate or dangerous behaviors around your child.
@senam It doesn’t sound aggressive to me, I think your dog doesn’t know his size? If the behavior continues, take your dog to a room, shut the door, and wait 3 seconds. Let him out and continue on. If he does it again, you take him back to the room and repeat.

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