Fearful obese and shy female dog


New member
I have been married to my wife for 3 years and when we moved together, she brought her sweet mixed-breed dog to live in our new home. Jade is a 9 y.o. lady who is very lovely and loyal. But my wife claims she always had behavioral issues that seems to pursue her since she was a puppy. I myself have a male 10 y.o. daschund who is very active and playful. They got along each other very quickly. But loud noises and the presence of other animals and people strange to her cause her to freeze and seek shelter as a courtain, under the bed or anything in her reach. Another aspect is feeding. she has been always obese and was diagnosed with hypertriglyceridemia, which was controlled with diet and drugs. Even tough she is healthier now, she seems always hungry, carving food and eats very fast and anxiously.
Idk, but she seems to me autistic or with some other genetic syndrome.