Fear of size?


New member
Hey guys! My GSD is now 8 months and has gotten to the size where he is bigger than the majority of breeds out there. People used to greet my puppy eagerly with comments on how cute he is. Now when people see him they are a little taken back and almost fearful, usually commenting on how large he has gotten. Occasionally those in my family automatically assume that he is aggressive because of his size. Does anyone have any experience with this?

Puppy Tax (About 2 months ago)
@nas22345 Non stop. My boy is a big excitable floof, but people have a way of thinking about things that changes them, I try to open peoples eyes where I can lol
@nas22345 I went through this recently too, and I found a great fix:

Get a bandana. A big, bright, cheerful bandana.

A dog in a bandana immediately looks 400% friendlier. You will notice people responding differently to him right away.
@nas22345 My boy is 100 lbs and girl is 80 lbs. I actually like that strangers are wary of them. there have been some Break-ins in my neighborhood. I am glad that only our friends know how sweet and gentle they are.
@nas22345 Yes. My dog is big. People comment on that, specially petite women. I love having a big dog. (I'm a single woman). I don't care that people are wary of him. Strangers don't need to know that he is likely to lick you to death.

The one proviso is that I don't have him around small children. He weighs more than my two grandsons combined and is too energetic and boisterous to be loose around them ATM. Indeed his wagging tail could injure them kids.
@nas22345 I know the feeling. When I was in HS I had a gigantic GSD who topped out at 155lbs. In my neighborhood it was preferred not to encounter too many folks on a walk, so it didn't bother me that people crossed or turned around. He was super chill and didn't react to other dogs or people (unless someone had a strange demeanor) so our family and friends had no problem with him. Strangers would comment on size and "I know better than to mess with either one of you' but never had anyone ask to pet him. ;)
@nas22345 Yes. Mine gets very excited and wants to play, so he barks barks barks. People think he’s being aggressive. He’s not, as soon as you pet him or let your dog run with him, he’s so happy. However, some people don’t know the difference between an excited “let’s play” bark and a “don’t come near me” bark.
@nas22345 Yep, that's par for the course with shepherd parenting lol. Mine is 120 lbs of muscle and super tall because of it. People cross the street when we walk by.

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