Favorite toys of your dog


New member
Whats the fav toy(toys) of your dog, how do you prep it/maintain it and what size of your dog? What are the tricks you learned to keep dog occupied?

Mine is 65-7lbs. She is big into chewing and nose work. Some of the toys i had success are
this animal with rawhide replacement rings. I need to cut rings to shorter bc she is just way too strong, and leave it outside to dry out a little. It lasts about 5 -7 min but intense work.The toys itself is pretty durable busyBuddy dinosaur

Also this one similar to kong but more complicated to get food out of it. i put some soft treats that are possible to get by licking or smaller pieces of harder treats
ROGZ toy

As puppy she absolutely loved this toy pet stage okra bone. It didnt last too long but it had the empty area inside the bone and it worked absolutely great! I put some king of dental sticks inside. Perhaps it needed something softer so she wont destroy it but i was still unexperienced. bone toy

I had a lot of disappointment with the dental chewing toy. A fellow dog owner shared this toy working brilliant for his dog and that he loves it. Either i had it too large for my dog or another reason - it was a total failure. She only max would lick it a little. dental chewing toy

Also for some additional tricks - when needed i was making natural and low cost pill pockets : grinder or blended on dry oatmeal flakes to the flour consistency, mixed with peanutbutter. Then just roll the small balls out of it and put in fridge with parchment paper. When its time to give dog med, you may just make a hole in the ball and put a med in it. Its a little fatty so need to keep an eye on the diet if dog has many meds. But it costs very little while super easy to use and fun for dog to take meds.

Feel free to share something frugal and cool that works for your dog. Looking forward to chatting with you
@changer101 The best hack I just figured out to add to our rotation of mealtime feeder toys is an egg carton. Amazingly my guy who will chew on any open cardboard seems to realize/think this is just a food vessel and will work had to gobble his kibble out of all the little egg holes but not eat the cardboard after. Essentially free if you already eat eggs!
@changer101 Hmm didn't cross my mind actually. Where I'm from eggs are washed and kids use egg cartons all the time for crafts so Ivey never considered that the boxes could be contaminated... I guess it's something to look into though!
@jmarie196812 I see. Idk. We got our eggs from countryside growing up so this is something i guess we always knew. Idk how things in us and in stores. I know the process how eggs are treated is different, its more complicates. Not sure about cartboards. Maybe its safe
@changer101 Here are our favorite food enrichment toys: West Paw Toppl, Kong, Snoop, Lickimat, snuffle mat (any on Amazon or can even make your own).

The Snoop in particular is a HUGE hit with my dog. I just started alternating his evening meals in different enrichment toys, and we used the Snoop today for maybe the 3rd time and he went nuts. It keeps him busy for 40ish minutes and by the end he is dead tired.