F U Fireworks


New member
My god since the beginning of December people have been randomly lighting fireworks out on the street (especially on saturday night). I've been training my pup with sounds, play and treats and he's not comfortable but he's ok with it inside. When outside he's scared and will want to go home right away, that's fair enough, let's go home.

But these people tonight are not just lighting normal fireworks, these guys are lighting bombs, my house/windows even shake. And rather than doing them all in a short time span, these guys light one every 15-30min or so, probably because they're walking around to avoid police (only legal here to light fireworks after 10pm on new years). My pup is so scared when the initial explosion happens he trembles and looks so sad it breaks my heart.

When I got my pup he was very fearfull of everything and everyone, but I've worked really hard on his confidence and exposure, he's doing so well. Tonight he had to go out for his favorite sniffy evening walks but he was just terrified and all over the place, so quick pee and back inside. I had pretty severe puppy blues during this process and I guess my heart sank with this again and I just want to ball my eyes out.

I feel such a rush of " I MUST PROTECT MY POOR BABY" right now that I as a very passive person want to go outside, find these people and give em a good smack.

Thankfully we're moving to a rural area in a week so my pup won't have to live through the war that is New Years in this neighbourhood.

Pfoe, just had to get that off my chest. Thanks for reading/listening.
@ashishv I 100% agree with you - I LOATH fireworks. I never was really that into them as a kid or before I had a pet - they kind of annoyed me. But now I hate them. And not only do domestic animals not like them but they freak out wildlife as well. They are just stupid. Sorry you're dealing with that.
@ashishv Omg, you guys are my people! I thought I was the only person who hates fireworks lol. I don't mind a professional show but I was always annoyed by random people setting them off in residential areas, even on a holiday. And when I was younger people would bring them to parties and shoot them at other people which is probably where my distaste started, but now that I have a dog I find them extra annoying and unnecessary.

A bunch were set off in town this summer and it caused quite a stir in the community Facebook group, but there were a lot of comments mocking people who were concerned about their pets' comfort. I just don't get it 😔
@thibodeaux Blegh, I never understood how pointing possibly harming explosive material towards someone can be conceived as a joke. Although the last few years it's gotten less in my country (they ussually have firework bans within city centers now), the poor Healthcare/police workers on these days get to deal with a bunch of injuries and aggression based in uttur stupidity of people. It's pretty normal to have packed ER's on new years here because a snowflake forgot to let go of a cobra (heavy fireworks, but nothing compared to what they can illegally get their hands on) in his hand.

I always wonder if these people merely care about their own money wasting 'fun' than what it does to other people, pets and wildlife. But don't worry in police raids here they find illegal and highly explosive fireworks stached under they kid's crib... Basically bombs that will go in full chain reaction with anything else hidden. Fait in humanity slightly lost.

You wouldn't let a random kid without any education or experience install your gas connection, don't let a kid without any understanding of flashpowder ignite fireworks.

Next week, off to a rural, calm part and have a nice new years snuggling with my pup, looking at the far away organized firework show out of my window ❤ I cannot wait.
@ashishv I wish fireworks were banned, such useless polluting crap. A random one went off the other night and my dachs puppy was wagging her tail, I hope this is her reaction to the constant barrage on New Years!
@justanyone Me too! When I was 14 I got a fireworks arrow to the head because of some douche playing with fireworks, luckily the scar is under my hair but I had headaches for years. Took me a long time to get over my firework anxiety. It leaves a giant mess and damages public property, no reason to let individuals fumble around with explosive powders. I'd be fine with one professional fireworks show, that produces a beautiful sight by skilled workers.