Don’t know if euthanasia is the option here

@traininggrounds It's not asserting dominance, that's a myth.

I personally would talk to a board certified veterinary behaviorist. Vets are not the people to consult for behavior, certified trainers and board certified veterinary behaviorists are. You can find both here.
@traininggrounds Of course you’d think no muzzle training was required…

In fact its clear your parents first and you after have hardly done any training at all during this animals life.
@traininggrounds I’m sorry you’re being downvoted. People act as though you’re supposed to be shelling out big money for trainers for a 12-year-old dog.

Call a no-kill rescue. They often know fosters who’ve seen it all and will even support your dog financially to live with someone who can handle him until he passes.

Best wishes.
@traininggrounds If your ex wants to help transfer ownership to him.

As long as there are no kids in his house.

For right now see about pain relief treats.
Pain relief or anti stress.

Watch his ears and tail as bite markers, he was likely disciplined for giving warning before being to the point of teeth.
@traininggrounds You need to weigh up your options, there is a significant cost involved in employing a behaviourist, can you afford it?, You already stated that because of your condition a bite can be even more of a risk than normal, so if the conclusion you come to is that you don't have the resources to properly help him or that it's too dangerous for you to continue to live with him then yes, I think euthanasia would be the right option. As you've realised yourself it wouldn't be responsible to move him on to a place where he could potentially hurt someone else who doesn't know his history.

I think as others have suggested you should speak to your vet first, to make sure this isn't age or pain related and go from there x
@cseargent I wonder if it’s cutting into him at all/rubbed and caused/is causing sores.
This poor dog:(! I couldn’t imagine my dog being in his harness for that long.

I feel so bad they have a relationship that’s so unhealthy and stressful for both of them.
@rockhopper I think it's quite likely, if he doesn't want to be brushed either. Which just exacerbates the problem. Chafing harness plus his undercoat not being brushed through when he sheds... I can only imagine what kind of skin issues could be hidden underneath the fur.

I have a shiba inu who blows her coat twice a year, as well as the rest of year to a much lesser amount. She gets itchy when her undercoat is shedding because the movement of her fur coming out makes her skin feel weird. And I'm on top of her grooming... For a heavy-shedding dog not having their grooming needs met... Poor pupper.

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