Don’t know if euthanasia is the option here

@housedoctorjohn It's 100% a reactive bite..she just doesn't know how to read her dog. I have a 13 year old dog...he has spots on his body that are sore because he's an old man. We know this and try not to pet them there but sometimes we accidentally do and get a growl and a warning nip. He doesn't put his mouth on us but a snap to say don't touch me there. He would never hurt us but we know where he has sore spots and we don't touch them. She likely has repeatedly...despite being bitten for it. So now he's scared for her to touch him... she's scared to touch him. It's a bad situation
@deeplays All these folks defending OP. I’m furious reading this post…

This poor animal has basically been neglected it’s whole life by owners who didn’t do any research into what the needs of a husky are prior to adoption.
@tlbjgb I wasn't defending OP, just saying she clearly has no idea how to do anything with this dog (even read body language) and someone's suggesting she just put the poor thing in a muzzle like that's just a simple thing to do, or a good idea for anyone involved.
@tlbjgb I mean by her saying she's randomly getting bit in the middle of the night for no reason. Unlikely. Humans move in their sleep. She's likely kicking him or putting her foot on him and getting bit for it. I've never known a dog to bite for no reason. There's always a reason. If I had to guess I would say long ago there were warning grumbles that went largely ignored and it's escalated to this.
@housedoctorjohn Your comment that I responded to specifically him mentioned biting her in the middle of the night while she was asleep. In a different comment she said “There’s the whole bed but he wants to sleep right under my feet and then gets mad when he accidentally gets touched.” So she does at least know some of his triggers. Yeah obviously it’s not perfect but at least it’s an option, I don’t see you coming up with a option, imperfect or not.
@traininggrounds I would not rehome a 12 year old husky with a severe bite history. Work with the vet to rule out any medical issues causing him to act out. If there is nothing wrong medically I would think about behavioral euthanasia. 12 years is a pretty good run, and I think you owe it to him to be the one who sees things through.
@markg014 Oh please - it’s been anything but a good run for this animal. It’s needs for vigorous exercise and mental stimulation have been neglected it’s whole life and attempted to be suppressed through “dominance” training.

It’s clear OP and parents have been in way over their head since puppyhood
@traininggrounds I think a lot of other people are suggesting muzzle training and getting a behaviorist, but the facts are -- your dog has bitten multiple people, multiple times, quite seriously, for years. Literally years. And often without cause. It is unlikely it's because he's old and has dementia, or has some kind of medical issue causing him pain (unless he's gone un-diagnosed for for 5 years). You can't take him out for exercise, you can't play with him, train him, do anything that will allow him to lead a happy fulfilled life. And meanwhile you are suffering as well.

There is no shame if you choose BE. If your ex-husband insists that putting him down is the wrong move, he should take the dog.

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