Dogs getting sick, and maybe hives?


New member
On mobile; forgive formatting and whatnot.

Ok so I have two pups. The male is a 7.5 y/o spaniel/lab, the female is a 2 y/o mostly lab mutt.

Last Friday, the male didn't have much appetite. Happens occasionally. But, later that night he vomited bile while I was sleeping. Okay, perhaps from empty tummy. Seemed alright otherwise. Saturday he vomited a total of 3 times, would not eat or drink. Was ready to take him to vet Sunday AM but he woke up spry and hungry. Seems normal since, playful and has resumed normal food/water intake.

Today, my female seemed normal but vomited up her food a few hours after eating. Regular water intake. (Same food for entire life of both pups, after puppy food). Then, hour later I noticed small bumps on her crown and nose. She was pawing at her nose and the bumps seemed itchy- she loved it when I scratched them gently. The bumps lasted about an hour and a half, but are mostly gone. She is not pawing at her nose anymore. She just woke from a nap and came to cuddle ( which she loves when she just wakes up ) but as she was settling into me she vomited A LOT of dog food colored liquid. Got us cleaned up and took her outside, where she is running and acting normal. No interest in food right now but still drinking water normally.

I just got over COVID and subsequent complications and have been out of work for almost 3 weeks. Funds are tight enough that I would avoid a vet visit if possible, but I wanted to get some other opinions. Please be kind! Does it sound minor, anyone had any similar experiences? FWIW, they have their annual wellness visit in two weeks which is covered by a program I joined at my vets. Do you think I can safely wait as the situation stands?

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