Dog Won’t Eat Her Food, Had Diarrhea, Vomited Once


New member
My dog (9mo, F) hasn’t eaten since yesterday morning, and this morning, she vomited once around 7:00 AM. She also was having diarrhea 2 days ago, but her BM’s have since gone back to normal. It’s likely she ate something she shouldn’t have in the yard, as she does have an affinity for eating bugs sometimes. Should we continue to monitor her and offering her food? Or should we take her to the vet? She isn’t acting lethargic or ill (other than the vomit that one time), and is energetic and happy as usual.
@tinydreamerz I second pumpkin, mix in some boiled turkey and rice 1/2 spoon , and have lots of water so she wont dehydrate . Check her gums if are pale .