Dog won’t eat for 30-45 minutes


New member
Hey yall! I’m new to owning a dog and I’ve noticed a few things. Is it normal that when I feed him (we feed him at specific times) he will refuse to eat for 30 minutes to an hour. He used to just start chowing down immediately. Secondly what are some of the best non kibble foods to give to him? He is a 11 month of lab/husky mix. Thank you all in advance!
@sadier It means he’s starting to mature and trust that food isn’t some ultra scarce resource he has to scarf immediately. He goes “oh nice, there’s food as usual, I can eat shortly,” and then does so instead of ravenously gorging himself like a puppy
@sadier Do you eat or feel hungry to eat the moment someone puts food on the table? Do you always eat at the exact same time? Do you always eat your food fast and finish the plate? Your dog is a loving creature with its own habits and desires. Dogs in the wild usually graze and don’t really eat one or two big meals. It sounds like your dog is very happy and is secure that his food will be there when he feels up to it. Don’t worry, you’re doing great
@sadier Some non kibble foods I give my dogs that have helped their health tremendously are

•sardines packed in water

• quail eggs (from any pet store)

• raw chicken eggs and the shell membrane

•bone broth


• salmon oil

• frozen blueberries

At the very least your dogs kibble should be hydrated with water but even better, low sodium bone broth. Good luck contributing more foods into your dogs kibble, he will love it!
@sadier He’s growing! Probably doesn’t feel the hunger pangs as much now. My pup asked for more food routinely when I got her, from 6-8 months of age. Now she doesn’t even finish her recommended amount.
@sadier I also have a husky/lab mix!!! I think it’s normal. Sometimes my dog won’t eat till I leave for work and other times he’ll eat first thing in the morning. When he’s at my mom’s he’ll eat half and then come back and eat the other half 10mins later. As long as he’s eating I don’t think it’s an issue but you can always check with your vet to be sure. We usually rehydrate his food with bone broth and I give him a hip & joint supplement. I’ve also given him freeze dried chicken feet & rabbit feet and he really liked them, he’d set them to the side and eat them after his food
@sadier My dog is about 10 months old and started doing this. I'm glad to hear it's relatively normal. But we also take away her meal if she doesn't eat it within a half hour or so. (I'm sure folks will come at me for this).
@circa101 That’s actually a great practice! It prevents snacking out of boredom rather than actual hunger, and if dogs don’t have food available to them at all times, they maintain a food drive which makes training SO much faster and easier than it is for a dog that has never had to wait or work for their meals.
@tomythedreamer Thanks. Yes, this is what our trainer told us to do. But I feel like on the internet, ppl would cry animal abuse or something 😆. Twice this pupper didn't eat at breakfast so she had to wait til her evening meal.
@circa101 In the mornings (I work overnight) if he doesn’t eat within 30 minutes I tell him that if he doesn’t eat he’ll have to go to bed without food. Then he will eat. I’ll never let him go without eating though