Dog won’t eat but will drink.


New member
I have a 8-9 month old dog whose acting fine, but she won’t eat anything.. it’s been 3 days and I’m not sure what to do. Any advice or solutions would be very appreciated. She drinks plenty of water and will keep it down which is great but I’d really like for her to eat.

Update: lastnight I got her to eat a small handful of food but that was it. She has refused to drink anything today, and has thrown up 3 times. She just puked every bit of fluid she took in from yesterday. The vet won’t be open for another 2 days.
@niaa I just got her to eat a few pieces of food out of my hand, tomorrow I’m gonna worm and give her a bit of mineral oil incase she’s back up or maybe needs a boost to help her belly clean out
@gordon_b I have a few follow up questions:
  • is she lethargic?
  • is her digestion off?(not pooping/peeing)?
If yes to these, take her to the vet asap.

If no, try wetting her food to get her to eat. My pup when through a picky stage where he would go on hunger strikes until we gave him wet food.
@gordon_b :( does she eat treats? Maybe she's full from those and/or is waiting for treats instead of food.

I've also added broth bought at petsmart on my dog's food to get him to eat. Water does the trick now, but he loves the broth a lot more.
@imagebeastmarkbeast Earlier before posting anything I tried to call but they were closed. Gotta wait til monday unfortunately. Hopefully before then I can get better altogether. Thank you I appreciate that, you and me both
I might try some broth! I gave her a treat a few days ago for the first time in a while, my other two dogs were fine but since I gave it to her that’s when she stopped eating. I know it made her tummy upset cause I could hear it making weird gassy kinda sounds from another room. She’s had them before and they’ve never done this before. I’d like to take her to the vet but there’s no way I can afford it right now cause I’m getting surgery done the 26th