Dog killed a rabbit


New member
My 2yo dog killed a wild rabbit yesterday in my own backyard. He is a husky shepherd mix and is very playful. There was no bite mark or anything on the rabbit but there was a bit of blood on the foot of rabbit. I think my dog just pranced at the rabbit.

I noticed my dog was just standing awkwardly in the corner of the fence. So, I went to check on him. That’s when I saw the rabbit. My dog was confused and scared. I had to force him to get inside. I cleaned him with soap and water, brushed his teeth, gave him some water. He was pretty shocked and was trying to hide.

I am very upset with this incident. I wanted to know what can I do to make sure my dog is okay. He did throw up in the morning and we saw some grass in it. I don’t know what to make of it? He is up to date on all of his shots.

p.s. I also have 2 small dogs that are older than him. One is 8lbs and other 25 lbs. He is very respectful of their space and gets along fine.

Edit: it was not my rabbit. It was a wild rabbit that showed up on our backyard which is fenced.
@armah It's quite common. My old dog herded/played with a bunny to death, and killed a few possums. Recently, my brother's heeler played-to-death one is their chickens.

The only health issue I'd be worried about is parasites if it ate it. Maybe also lepto, but I assume he's vaccinated for that.

The dog was probably more upset and confused over your reaction to the situation.
@shela710 When you say “played-to-death” the chicken, do you mean the dog was accidentally too rough? Or just never gave the chicken a break? Just out of curiosity
@iahawkette Probably both. A rabbit’s “oh shit I’m gonna die” behavior is very similar to a dog’s “oh we’re playing!” Behavior. Match that up with a rabbit’s very thin skin and teeny bones and you get a dead rabbit.
@harpazo56 Thank you! That makes sense. My pitty saw a mouse in our house and very clearly was intrigued and just wanted to play, but obviously didn’t understand his strength and almost killed it instantly. He seemed genuinely upset.

But it probably didn’t help that I started crying immediately (I’m sensitive and the mouse was still alive but struggling)
@iahawkette My pitty gets upset when she kills her crickets, odd bugs but most so, lizards. She looks at me like, “mom, why won’t they play with me anymore?” I’m going…,”hmmm, you tossed them in the air 20x’s. I think they are a goner.” 😂
@iahawkette She just didn't give it a break. We had the entire event on camera, it's was about 45 minutes long. She played with it the same way she plays with the barn cat, a lot of pawing.

Her "job" was watching the chickens. The one that died got out of its enclosure (which almost never happens.) She's now on goat duty.
@shela710 American opossums or Australian possums?

PSA to other folks that with American ones, unless they’re mummifying, it’s recommended that they be thrown away in a trash can on it’s side, in case they wake up, so they can crawl out. When they’re “faking their deaths” they are profoundly convincing and they even smell dead. (I learned this when I lived in the American South.)
@joy Very convincing. I found my dog sniffing on one. I mean he had his face on it. I put him in and checked it out and was pretty sure it was dead. I I asked my husband to take care of him and he was gone.
@shela710 Thanks for the reply. I was worried and just wanted to make sure my pup would be okay. He is a 2yo husky and GSD mix and he’s highly active & playful.
@armah Our last dog, who was truly the best dog ever, killed an opossum once. It was traumatic for everyone but her. She was quite pleased with herself.

Prey drives are natural in dogs.

Provided your dog is up to date on vaccinations, I would not be too concerned.
@thomasleonard My female boxer had a crazy prey drive. Got several squirrels, a couple birds and an opossum. I used to pound on the sliders before I let her out. She got lymphoma and chemo stopped working. She was really slowed down and I made the appt with the vet for tje following day. I didn't bother with banging on the sliders...opened the door, She saw a squirrel and was off like a rocket. She got it. I felt bad for tje squirrel but she was pretty pleased with herself that whole day.