Dog can’t get up after sedation

@jat7 I just managed to book him a dog ambulance. His pickup is in 30 minutes. I’m going to take him to the ER place for a second opinion rather than the emergency vet. Tiny improvement. I can get him up with towels supporting him. He can only manage a few steps though. Which is way more than last night. Couldn’t do that at all. Got him to the grass. He laid down and peed. And he drank a few sips of water. Gave him some nutrical I forgot I had.
@agoodfriend Not 100% the same but my dog had to go to ER vet for seizing, stayed over the night there, brought him home about 9pm the next night (he was ther about 24hrs) he was pumped up on so much Valium he could barely walk for 3 days, the first night to mid day after we had to carry him (he was 80lbs) we rigged 2 sheets as a body harness, 1 under his groin and one under his arm pits, there was 2 of us so we where able to do it together to get him up and his back feet he barely used (once we got him up he could stand but wouldn’t move, the front ones walked a little, it did wear off but took like 3 days to fully come out and back to normal.
@agoodfriend 💕hopefully all comes out well! We optd not to do scans or anything because he was 13..we had him til he was 15 1/2!! (With out tests the vet said to could be a brain tumor or epilepsy (he had a seizure once or twice a year starting when he was 6 but nothing major than he went into 6 back to back seizures that night
@agoodfriend Catching up on comments…I had a dachshund that lived with IVDD. He had some nerve damage in one foot from the first and worst episode(he was 7yrs old). He lived to be almost 18 and was very active until his last year. I don’t know what your news will be, but if I can help…
@withby I know. He weighs 120lbs and I can’t pick him up. The fire department got him out of the car earlier. I’m trying to find a doggo ambulance that can help me transport him.
@sherloam They aren’t sure sure but they think he had a spinal cord stroke, cartilage embolism. He is not paralyzed. He’s just really weak right now. So it’s not great news, it’s bad news.. but at this minute he has a chance. I authorized an MRI, and they want to keep him til tomorrow around 6pm. I’ll have actual answers when they get results back.
@agoodfriend Is your dog a herding breed mix by any chance? Our late dog was also a bit of a giant, and a LGD (Anatolian shepherd) mix, and when we had him health tested with Embark it showed that he had 1 copy of the MDR1 gene that’s most often found in herding breed dogs. My understanding is that this gene can cause drug sensitivity to certain drugs, I know ivermectin and imodium (OTC anti diarrheal) are two common ones, but the gene also can cause sensitivity to certain sedatives.

So after we found out on the Embark I told our vet, and our dog would basically get less doseage of sedation than his weight would typically call for in regular dogs if he ever needed sedation, because he had this genetic sensitivity that meant he reacted more strongly.

Maybe not the case with yours but worth asking about if you think it might be relevant! I hope everything works out okay for your guy, so scary when we feel so powerless to help them!

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