Dog bit 2 people. What do I do?

@hosee Did someone actually tell you that an e-collar will reduce your dog’s reactivity and biting? I can only see using an e-collar on an off leash walk as a last resort safety measure. But use an e-collar for reactivity training?
@hosee Your dog bit three people. He is a dangerous dog. Clearly the training isn't working. Your brother is right, and three weeks of not biting someone isn't exactly an achievement. Your dog needs to be put down.
@danielson0101 You’re right. We are waiting on a response from animal control. In the meantime we are scheduled to meet with our vet to discuss behavioral options. We obviously can’t just put him down at this exact moment. A new fence is being looked at. We are leashing him when we go outside. He’s never outside alone. If a visitor does come over he has a leash on to start. Truly, we have limited visitors since the second incident. We will continue to do so until we have an answer from animal control.
@hosee These dogs can get very anxious if left alone for long periods of time, and are not exercised daily. If you did not witness the bites it’s hard to know what the actual cause was. I would not be so quick to euthanize the dog without asking more questions and an e collar bought off the internet is usually too powerful and startles the dog rather than subtly gaining it’s attention. This can lead to an increase in reactive behaviors. It is concerning that the dog escaped the yard and bit someone but there are just too many holes in this story to know what’s going on.
@his_word_is_truth He didn’t. He got to the fence and put his front two paws up on the fence. When he jumped while he was barking he leaned forward and that’s when the incidents occurred. After he gave the neighbor 7 stitches the dog has never been left outside unattended again. When he got my brother, we were outside and unfortunately not quick enough to intervene.
@hosee I have a fearful pit as well. I have a large backyard but she has problematic behaviors in the yard. She barks nonstop, is territorial, and has also bitten through the fence. Although i dont think there were any injuries. I dont think you were at fault here. I do not let her in the backyard unsupervised since my neighbors have threatened to poison her. (Ive sued them for harrassment). Shes a good dog but left to her own device shes a terror. I walk her and train her daily. She is a great walking companion. I have my dog on a routine of exercise, training, and play. She is so much happier. I remember my dogs trainer saying dogs have problems when they are undertrained and have too much freedom. I also only use positive methods because she is just a big ball of fear. The barking and the aggression is how fear is expressed in her. Ive taught her "leave it" when she starts to be triggered with fear. She looks away and then ive taught her "calm" to help her relax. I think you need better management of your dog and ditch the ecollar. Also sometimes i have my dog leashed in the house especially when ee have contractors in the house, perhaps you should do this when you have guests.