My boyfriend’s dog bit me

@basefan The fact that he went and got one of the worst dog combinations on the face of the earth without your input despite the fact you were going to have to live with it is enough to break up with him. The fact that he clearly has zero regard for your safety and well-being means you need to find a safe place to be immediately. I am betting this dog ended up in a shelter for a very bad reason. Other people were afraid of this dog as well. Rightfully so.
@maximum7 Exactly! This situation would be very problematic even if Oscar were a huge sweetie who loved OP, because her live in boyfriend completely disregarded her fears.
@basefan OP, this dog can literally kill you. That is no exaggeration. Google search it and multiple incidents come right up. Dogs like this have killed large adult men. If the dog goes for you, there is nothing you can do. You can be terribly disfigured for life or killed.

Go stay somewhere else until this dog is out of the house. If bf refuses to return the dog, leave him. This is a dangerous situation for you. It’s not worth it. Get away while you can.
@basefan Are yall renting? Does your place of living even allow this breed of dog? That's the angle I would take. That is a dangerous dog, maybe try contacting the shelter about him. This is a dangerous situation for all of you to be in.
@tapselbor I am surprised that the shelter allowed the dog to go to this home without the LW in on it, which means the bf may not of said anything to them. Red Flag.
@turtleena I also wonder why the dog was at the shelter to begin with. Was he a danger to his past owners? I’m very scared for OP because aggressive and dangerous pits/Cane Corsos can do so much damage. I’ve had a pit/boxer mix and he was a cream puff dream, never growled once in his life and loved everyone and everything. But he was a big, powerful dog and I can’t imagine a dog that size being aggressive. It’s so scary.
@basefan No it wasn't because you are nervous. It is because of breed tendency. I'm very familiar with this breed, and they are called "bodyguard dogs" for a reason. He was guarding your bf. Unfortunately the corso attracts a lot of people for ego reasons who really have no skills to control such a dog. They bond really strongly with their primary caregiver, and so its really up to that person to keep them from becoming a liability. That person has to be responsible, knowledgeable, and firm. They have to know how to communicate to the dog when guarding behavior is unnecessary, and to prevent that behaviour from occurring in inappropriate situations. It's sad that your BF is trying to put the onus on you for controlling his own dog's behavior. If there was any skin broken, I'd ruthlessly report it. Sorry for the dog, but I hate seeing these kinds of people owning a corso. He is putting you in danger and making you think it is your fault.
@basefan A large dog bred to look scary, that does scary things, and is triggered to bite by people showing fear, is a dog that is not safe to exist in the world. This is a very dangerous dog. This is a domestic violence situation.
@basefan The dog is resource guarding your boyfriend.

Dog needs training. And for safety sake, crate training and muzzle training should be included.
@basefan Seems to me it's your BF that's in need of training.

You live there too. It's your home. That means bringing a dog in needs to be one that all residents are on board with. You're not anti dog, just wanted one you felt you could manage with confidence.

And he ignored all that. Did you ask him why?
@basefan I don’t understand how your BF would make an important decision like this on his own — without you — given that you are living together. This is unacceptable and it does not bode well for the future. Please reconsider this relationship,
@basefan Family Dogs shouldnt bite because someone is existing (not interacting with them) and is afraid. Anyway that’s not what’s happening: the dog is resource guarding your boyfriend.

Look those powerful breeds can be wonderful BUT they have the capacity to be dangerous just because of their power. Anyone who claims to “love” them better be aware of what they are capable of and have training to know how to work with them. This expert only dog. And he doesn’t even know basic dog behaviors. Nor care about your wants

Please be careful.
@basefan These are powerful breeds with lots of energy and drive. They REQUIRE training just so they’re not dangerous to it’s family or general public. I constantly see these dogs out down because of how “unpredictable” they are when untrained. They don’t just casually become great dogs because you potty train and teach to sit. There is soooo much more. This dude honestly sounds like an irresponsible idiot wanting a status dog, huge turnoff
@basefan You need to get a new dog, or become a professional dog trainer. I can't believe they would even let you take home a pit Corso mix. That is a guard dog from hell.
@basefan I feel like that was quite disrespectful of your bf to go back on his own and adopt the larger dog without your sign off (unless you said he could?but it sounds like he was sneaky about it so I’m guessing you didn’t know), especially since you’re scared of bigger breeds. And now he’s saying you’re the one who needs training? I’m sure we can all get better with reading animal language, but the onus is not on you. The boyfriend should be more respectful of your boundaries, and he should get the dog training, full stop.