Dog angry/aggressive at night. Plz Help!!!


New member
I have two dogs, both rescues, both about 20 pounds, definitely both part chihuahua. They came from different places but are both around 9 years old.
One of the dogs (C) is a perfect gentleman 24 hours a day. Always has been.
The other (B) is an absolute delight during the day, super sweet, loving, slightly needy, but friendly and playful with his brother.
C has lived with us for 8 years, B for about 6.
All of this great behavior changes when we (2 humans, both dogs) go to bed.
B turns into a protective monster. He growls ferociously if he even thinks C looks in his direction, and this has turned into fighting that leaves C whimpering and cowering.
We have tried removing B from the bed. I have tried to prevent the behavior by cuddling B and making him feel safe. We have tried many other things and nothing has helped and B’s behavior has only worsened.
Does anyone have any tips? I love B so much and he’s 95% perfect, but that 5% bad is truly awful.

@kristen_prays I would suggest crate training! Sleeping on the bed should be a privileged and starting fights is no bueno. I am sure there is a way to train him out of it but I think the easiest solution is just not allowing him on the bed.
@kristen_prays Did you follow an actual crate training process or did you just put him in there at night? Just double checking because my parents tried the just sticking their new pup in the crate over night and it did NOT go well lol. But after they actually implemented a crate training routine he got used to it and now loves his crate! I wouldn't do a bark collar. The problem is resource guarding not barking (not that I love bark collars anyways) so that would definitely not solve the problem and would probably make it worse.
@bradk No. We didn’t actually train him. I do realize that we humans are to blame for this. It’s shoddy “parenting” on our part, especially because earlier, more mild undesirable behavior has not been addressed. I mean it’s not magically going to go away, right? I feel badly that we have put him (and his brother) in this position.
Perhaps we’ll look into proper crate training.
@kristen_prays r/puppy101 has a crate training guide on their wiki I believe! And don't worry about it. We all make mistakes. You clearly love your dogs and that is the most important thing.