Do we have a perfect puppy?


New member
I’m just shocked how some of you struggle with your new pups, and I’m wondering if we are really that lucky. We took our golden retriever puppy when he was 8 weeks, now he’s 20 weeks old. Since day one we had only handful accidents when it comes to potty training. It feels like he knew what to do straight away and we did nothing to train him in this regard. When he wants to pee, he just sits by the door and looks at us and we know it’s time to go. He does not bite or nibble me at all, with others he’s gentle too even when he’s supper excited. He did 0 damage to our home, he plays with his toys and few socks here and there. He is comfortable when we take him to restaurants and other public places. Even with a crate he cries for a minute and settles or just settles straight away if he’s super tired. We can’t work for home we are leaving him for few hours at the time since day 1 basically. He is super playful and yet gentle. Obviously we spend a lot of time with him playing and training him, we completely forgot about ourselves for first month but now we feel like we have some space to breathe.. and I’m just wondering if it will get worse or only better haha?
@jesussaves111 Some dogs are exceptionally easy, but you’ve got a young bugger don’t count your chickens yet. Unless you have actual chickens and want to make sure your golden doesn’t have a snack.
@jesussaves111 My previous dog was like this. He was a Pembroke Welsh Corgi I got at 8 weeks. Few accidents during the first few days, then he just kind of knew to go outside. Waited at the door to go, I never taught him that. He didn't puppy-nip at all, could play by himself, learned basic obedience immediately, slept all night.

At 4 months old he had never destroyed anything or peed in the house or did anything bad at all. He had mouthed at some random things, clothes, the drapes, once and got a "no", and never touched them again. Perfect dog.

I was so confident I was tired one afternoon and decided to just take a quick nap and leave him out of his crate, but locked in my livingroom/kitchen area, all the other doors were closed.

Woke up to a couch absolutely torn apart. Don't let your guard down lol. It's going great, keep up the routine, and keep watching him. Don't trust the little bugger until he's closer to 1yr old. Unwatched and idle puppy paws will find their own excitement.
@jesussaves111 Ah you said all this just before you reached the teenage stage… good luck!

… adding, I’m just jealous because mine is a temperamental velociraptor, but also because you might have just jinxed yourself 😉
Ah you said all this just before you reached the teenage stage… good luck!

… adding, I’m just jealous because mine is a temperamental velociraptor, but also because you might have just jinxed yourself 😉

Edit to add; be careful letting him play with socks. They are easily swallowed and mean trips to the vets for throwing-up-medicine! You can probably guess how I know this…
@jesussaves111 You're on a forum where people generally are asking for advice. So 90% of the posts are going to be people with problems they want solving. This doesn't mean 90% of people who have a puppy have these problems. Very limited and small sample size for you to compare against. Many people have puppies without major issues and don't have any need to post on a here about it .

Also is there any actual point to your post other than rubbing it in to owners who might be struggling? I can't see it.
@jesussaves111 You might find adolescence a bit challenging cause you’re uses to this easy going angel. Mine was a complete menace and was very challenging up to 4 months, but has otherwise been very little challenge. (He’s 19 months.) Nothing compares to that hell early on. Whatever challenges he provided later was a non issue to me.

Also, people that come here usually are the ones struggling. The ones with easy puppies doesn’t need this place, so why be here? :)
@jesussaves111 I recall waxing ecstatic about my perfect 5 month old Aussie. He walked on a loose lead, he loved other dogs, he literally had 3 accidents in the house EVER (still true!). At exactly 6 months all hell broke loose and I was not prepared for the total chaos of the last YEAR... and we are still going. Goldens are a different kettle of fish for sure, but seriously, just take a deep breath and enjoy these moments but try not to count on it continuing. And if it does-- great! If it doesn't, just know it's part of dog development and you haven't necessarily done anything wrong suddenly. Congrats on the easy house training! That's a real fantastic thing to have early success with. Good job and may your puppy prove us all wrong and be a one-in-a-billion goodest boi! I believe it's possible.
@jesussaves111 Some dogs are just easier than others. Mostly depends on the breed. Goldens are pretty chill. But he’s still pretty young, the worst is yet to come.

I’d stop the sock chewing. That is a seemingly small issue, but I’ve known people who had to put their pup down because it causes a blockage. So don’t let that behavior continue in to the adolescent phase.
@jesussaves111 My rescue has been perfect since day one as far as potty trained and doesn't chew on things but with any rescue, we dealt with being nervous when we went to touch him and was visibly uncomfortable at first... We think he may have been abused at his last home... 2 years later and he's the happiest guy!! And a little spoiled... I'm glad you are having a good first months with your pup🐾🐶🦴
@jesussaves111 That's amazing! I don't think it will change. My first dog was like this. She's a German spitz and she's been an angel since the day we got her. Very calm, didn't ruin anything, quickly potty trained. She is still so calm (now3,5 years old) and gentle and nice. She is always of leash, doesn't go to other dogs or people and she loves sitting in a cafe or a restaurant calmly.
Now we have another puppy, almost 5 months old, a mix, and she's a crazy little lady. She's been constantly peeing on the couch or bed and only now it's stopped. She's really energetic as well. Although I wanted a more energetic dog to be honest. She's great on walks when of the leash (but afwul on the leash). But she is the kindest, sweetest most cuddliest doggo. She loves to snuggle up close and does not respect ones personal space at all. We love both of them so much and they are like night and day.
@jesussaves111 Sounds just like ny aussie/bernese boy

We got him when he was 11 weeks old

Just a few pee accidents which were on us super calm friendly social and just wants to lay with us on the couch

Hes 7 months old and starts to be a teenager now and hes still the same except that he breaks things now when hes alone 😜

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