@survivor1288 Not sure if this is a resource frequently posted here, but sniffspot is amazing for this. It’s like Airbnb but yards for dogs. I don’t want to sound like an ad, but I’ll pay $5/hr for the peace of mind that the yard will only be ours for the full time. In a park I’m always worried that another dog will interrupt my dog’s sniff time, and the nice thing about playing fetch in those more public spaces is that my dog focuses 100% on the ball and doesn’t care if another dog is there. So usually I fetch in parks, and once a week (or every other week) we go to a sniffspot, and reserve the first half for unstructured sniff time.
@survivor1288 Yes! My doggy and I just got back from one. There's a patch of public land that has river access behind some railroad tracks. It's nice on the weekend when so many people and dogs are out. Sometimes I just sit by the river as my dog sniffs around. Swimming seems to be really good for her too.

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