Dad Shaved Husky’s Fur!! How to keep her cool w/o her coat?


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As title mentioned my father in his infinite wisdom decided to shave my husky’s fur off because he was sick of her shedding.

Picture (gif actually cause I don’t have Imgur on phone)

So it’s currently the very hot point of the year here in California. Normally I walk her in the morning but it’s around 80°F usually and very sunny. But now I’m worried that I can’t because she’ll overheat. So I feel like I can only walk her at night now.

Does anyone have any tips and or tricks I could use to make sure she doesn’t overheat when outside?

Like I know to keep her hydrated and in shade when possible. But like anything to help keep her cool in the sun.

Any help is appreciated thanks!!

Edit: ok so I worded this poorly, my fault. What I meant was more how can I protect her from the UV rays from the sun so she doesn’t get burnt? Since she loves her walks but I can’t when it’s sunny af outside w little shade.
@bigchristiandaddy Early morning is usually the coolest time of the day. If it's early in the morning (before 10 am or so), the UV index isn't high enough to burn skin. Also if the dog's skin is dark, they have more protection from the sun just like humans with darker skin. And sunscreen works for dogs too if you need to take the dog out for bit when UV index is the highest (between 10 AM and 5 PM)

Edit: as per comment below, make sure to only use dog safe sunscreen if you decide to use sunscreen on your dog
@hiyall Just to add (in case anyone who reads this isn’t aware) that lots of human sunscreen has ingredients that are toxic for dogs so make sure to get one that’s dog friendly.
@qoheleth1 Can't upvote this enough. Get an evaporative cooling vest. I have one from Ruffwear that works great. It increases my husky's heat limits by about 5 degrees and is UPF 50+. Even when the fur grows back, it will still be good if you want to take them out on hotter days.
@thepozz This is really bad for your dog, as you know. Be really, really careful, and consult a vet. Reddit is not a replacement for veterinary advice. Call your vet. They may even be willing to just tell you what you need to know on the phone. But nothing anyone can tell you here will replace the invaluable input of an actual doctor.

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