Dachshund (F - 4M) refunsing to eat: Is she picky, or sick?

@cortexhair I had a dach for 16 years, they tend to be extremely picky eaters. It is not unheard of. Mushy boiled rice with some watered down yogurt is what you may try with your dog (Yogurt i.e. lighter version of it, called dahi, I’m from India and we make it at home, and don’t use the sugary store bought one that is common in the west, so you can find one that is sugar free from the shelves).

My current puppy is a cocker spaniel (3.5 months old) and she’s refusing her dog food as well (acana). So I make it soft with water and top it with some store bought wet food that has chicken/ liver chunks. That works with her, one or two times a day I mix it up and give her dahi and boiled rice. She was on antibiotics too, and slowly came around to eat again. My mother (who took care of the dach for 16 years) has a theory that sometimes a dog isn’t unwell, it simply doesn’t like the taste of the food). So relax, your puppy will eat.

But back to my dach, she was able to digest milk so she had milk and rice often (you can try diluted milk and boiled rice in small amounts to check if your puppy is able to digest it) and offer chicken/ mashed sweet potatoes/ boiled plain sausages mashed with rice.

I also keep some dog biscuits around the house- puppies tend to change their eating habits if they are picky eaters so if I like to make sure they are eating biscuits they like between meals.
@cortexhair When ours was little the foster mom would put a little shredded cheese on top and he loved that. Now we do a mix of pumpkin and wet food. He’s hesitant but when he eats, he likes it. We’ve had to hand feed him before but he’s always been and always will be a picky eater. Healthy though