Clipper Burn - Am I overreacting?

@heaven91 You’re definitely not overreacting or in the wrong for asking for a refund. It is normal to have some irritation and possible small nicks from shaving out mats, it can happen.

This however looks butchered, you can see the teeth of the clipper blade in the skin. It looks like she’s dragged the blade and scooped up so that the teeth have cut into the skin. Either she’s been negligent with a 7 blade which is notorious for causing nicks or just poorly handled her clipper in the area. Armpits, as a groomer myself, are a really tricky area when it comes to mats, there’s so much loose skin with a big crevice which makes it difficult to shave. There is no excuse however for nicks on that level.

It also seems like a red flag to me that she didn’t make you aware of this when you picked her up. She 100% would have noticed at the time.
@heaven91 Yeah ngl when I read the post I was like okay yeah another matted dog owner complaining about sores (which I assumed were sores from under the mats) and some slight clipper burn but after looking at the pics yeah that’s unacceptable what the actual fuck is wrong with your groomer for doing that to a dog I’ve seen many dogs cast matted pelt matted etc get shaved perfectly fine it’s like she tried shaving your dog blind folded I can’t even imagine how she managed to fuck up that badly
@flecken Thank you for this, it's very validating. Growing up with cocker spaniels / thicker coated spaniels I'm used to the grooming /brushing / potential mats that come from not keeping up with it so in no way shape or form would I have been upset if her skin was a little red or pink under her armpits, I get it, it happens! But this is just INSANE
@heaven91 i thought MAYBE you were being dramatic when i read she was matted, cause like, matting pulls on the skin and can irritate it a little. some redness is normal. after looking at the pictures tho, nope. not normal. a hot blade could cause some redness, but this looks like full on scrapes from too much pressure.

i'd maybe even call the vet and see if they recommend anything to reduce pain at all. i’ve been told by vets before that regular neosporin can be used once in a while, definitely check with a professional tho before doing anything. they may suggest a better option to keep her more comfortable while she heals.
@phero Thank you, I'm taking her to the vet tomorrow :( Definitely not normal or like any experience I've ever had with getting my dogs groomed or grooming my own
@heaven91 at first when i only read the post i going to say you may be overreacting a bit and irritation can occur after matting is shaved. but then i saw the pictures…. that is BAD
@heaven91 yeaaahhh no, that’s not normal at all. crappy clipper handling skills. it’s not uncommon for there to be irritation after stripping away matting, but even in the 2 years i’ve been grooming, i’ve never caused this much damage doing a matting shave, even when it’s a completely pelted dog.

you’re not crazy to ask for a refund, or undeserving of it. if i sent a dog home with these marks, id automatically comp the whole groom, and apologize profusely. i can’t imagine sending this away with no word of an explanation as to what happened.

keep it clean, and reach out again to discuss vet costs/ grooming refunds!!
@faithfullyfit Thank you for this, I texted her and asked for a refund and I’m taking my dog to the vet tomorrow so hopefully that will be paid for as well.

It’s the not saying anything or taking accountability that makes me the most upset
@heaven91 oh, most definitely! i’ve had a couple teeny incidents where i did accidentally nic a skin tag/ a wart on the body, or when i shaved out some matting, my #10 blade did nic the armpit a little bit, (not enough to comp the groom by any means) but i would make sure to go over it with the pet parent at checkout, and how to help keep it clean @ home as well as how to avoid the pet digging or irritating it further. it’s disturbing that she sent your pup home like this and had no discussion with you about it.
@faithfullyfit Agree completely. Groomers have definitely nic’d my dog’s nipples before or been a little red spot / irritation especially on her belly, but NOTHING like this. Especially on a dog who is very experienced in getting groomed and older / low energy to begin with. 😰

Hopefully she takes some accountability
@heaven91 Clipper burn is usually more irritation, but that looks like the groomer was jabbing the mats instead of shaving under them which is what causes the injuries. I'm usually in agreement with groomers when mat removal is concern but those cuts are caused by improper technique and they should cover any vet bills if you seek treatment. I also wouldn't be going back to that groomer.
@heaven91 Oh my, this is bad. Looks like she was jabbing and stabbing with the tip of the clippers- and the clipper blade was probably misaligned or dull or something because my clippers only do this when they are getting dull or if I dropped them. I have shaved many matted dogs and am extra careful with the armpit area for this reason. Sorry this happened don’t go back and i would leave a review with pictures.
@heaven91 Absolutely not acceptable!! You need to call them and have them pay for a vet visit or is your vet is willing to write you script for ointment to the razer burn. They need to pay for meds and vet visit!! This could get so infected
@heaven91 Omg this is super bad. Poor thing. Go somewhere else, I’ve shaved matted dogs a lot over the last couple months and I’ve only ever nicked them when I was feeling rushed or their were wiggly.. and even then, I couldn’t imagine doing that and not telling the owner. Also, burns happen but usually it’s something that fades quickly imo, this looks like she was almost stabbing her.