Clipper Burn - Am I overreacting?

@heaven91 Yikes. Even if your dog was pretty badly matted this is just unacceptable. I only have about a year under my belt but I've never made marks like this on a dog. Theoretically if it had happened (once!) To a dog I was grooming I would be freaking out and so careful for the rest of the groom, not to mention calling you to let you know before pickup.
@heaven91 Poor baby. No, it's not wild to ask for a refund. Don't forget to leave a bad review to warn other dog owners as well. You are not overreacting, I would have raised hell and burned the place down. No one can hurt my dog
@heaven91 I read before I looked at the pictures and was totally ready to defend the groomer but Jesus Christ that is not normal for shaving out matting, I’d say redness and bruising can be just because you’re reintroducing blood flow to the area, even some open sores under matts, but not that…
@heaven91 Oh wow,I was not expecting these pictures. Yes,irritation happens with matting but this was the groomers fault 100% and could have been prevented. Poor pup.