Chloe mine. Ollie grandmas. I live with grandparents but plan to move in 3 years


New member
Weekdays Work 2-5pm Home 7pm sleep 4am so that's 9hrs alone time with chloe. Chloe with ollie and grandma 7hrs.

Weekends 11-3 grandmas Date 3-7 Grandmas 7-9 Home 9 sleep 4 Alone time with chloe 7hrs. Chloe with ollie and grandma 10hrs.

Chloe with me per week 59hrs Chloe with ollie and grandma per week 55hrs.

So basically half and half.

Want my dog to come with me, I won't be far away only like 10 min drive so this is easy to do. But would it make my dog happy. She will never be home alone, and will have plenty of playdates with her best friend ollie. Will this make my dog happy?