Other dogs sick from Ollie?

@becky411234 Our husky and lab have had very strange poops the last month. Mucousy and diarrhea. We've put them on a bland food diet to straighten it out, thinking it was a GI virus, and stopped their dental chews, supplements, Jinx treats, everything. Slowly reintroduced Ollie back to their diet, they were fine for a few days, and then mucous in their poops again. We're switching them to a trial run of Purina Pro for sensitive tums and booking each an appointment with animal nutritionists at Colorado State University in the coming months to make sure they're on a healthy diet. It's too overwhelming with so many pet food companies and their marketing is too well funded. Really disappointed with Ollie right now.
I should also mention that their strange poops involved many many trips to the vet and medications like Rx Clay, ProPectalin, and adding Purina Probiotics to their diet. We thought it was a GI virus (the neighbors dog was sick around the same time) or that it was something they ate on a walk. Their fecal exams came back negative for parasites, Giardia, etc. They were put on hydrolyzed food diet, which gave the lab terrible diarrhea and she lost 5 lbs on that. We were told that Just Food For Dogs would be a good switch, vet formulated, but that food is soooo expensive for dogs that weigh 55 to 65 lbs. I'd rather pay the amount that food would cost in a month to hire a nutritionist to develop something in our budget, and that could be either all commercial, all homemade, or a combo. Just something that works for our wallets and for their guts. Hope this helps others.
@marthasimons We’ve used Ollie for several months, but in the past week our dog has had issues too. Like you, I assumed he caught something. Took him to the vet and stool sample came back negative for parasites. We were give meds and Rx dog food. I think there might be an issue with Ollie’s food. I will reach out to them and encourage others to do the same.
@becky411234 My dog got really sick on Ollie, gained almost 40-50 pounds and had constant explosive diarrhea and vomiting. :(( made my own food for awhile and she lots the weight she gained then went to farmers dog and she’s doing really well now.

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