Came home from work and found out my mom shaved our Pomeranian :( I'm so sad please help!


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I just came home to find my Pomeranian shaved :( my mom said she thought it would help with shedding and didn't understand the issues that come with shaving a Pomeranian.

Is there anything I can do to help the process of his coat grow back to normal or other things that would be good to know? He used to have such a beautiful coat, looking at him makes me feel just awful now...

@sillypuddy Do you happen to know what length she shaved him with? If it was an attachment/guard comb, most of the time the hair grows back just fine. I recommend brushing him everyday as to stimulate hair growth and also to help with the shedding. A slicker brush would work best. Hope this helps!! He looks cute regardless by the way!!!! :)
@sillypuddy You read horror stories because people who are happy with it don't run around posting about it online. We shave a lot of Pomeranians (at the owners request. I don't encourage it) and only maybe 1 in 20 won't grow back right.
@sillypuddy It may grow back patchy but be patient and don't do it again. Just brush out through the growth process. If it has never been shaved then it most likely will grow out normal. Don't worry
@sillypuddy You can also give him fish oil (pumped onto food or in capsules) and it'll help boost growth. I would also get a nice shampoo and conditioner to help him out. I recently got a bottle of Iv San Bernard mineral H shampoo to help my dog grow back a few bald spots, I pair it with a hot oil treatment because she is also dry, I've used it once and believe I am noticing a difference. She gets a hot oil treatment every 2-4 weeks. Spitz breeds take longer to grow out usually because their regrowth cycles are farther apart than drop coat breeds such as shih tzus and yorkies. Pomeranians are known for shaving alopecia just as a general breed thing, some don't even have to be shaved to get what looks like shaving alopecia. A soft curry brush like a zoom groom when you bath him to work in the product can help stimulate the follicle and then you can follow up with a furminator brush going lightly over the coat with the grain to also help stimulate the follicle muscles.
@sillypuddy As a general rule of thumb, first shave is free. It should grow back normally. Like others said, brush daily with a slicker. You can add a supplement to his food to promote healthy coat growth, too.

For shedding, either brush daily with a slicker and comb, or use Furminator products. I don't know if the brushes work, but the shampoo/conditioner does. I and my clients swear by it.
@baotoan I personally feel like they don't work great on longer coats, a Coat King or something works much better. The furm brush works great on shorter double coated dogs though, like Huskies, Goldens, and Labs.
@olivertree I've found that even using furminators don't really work well on huskies or goldens, depending on how long their coat is. if they have a longer, thicker coat, I'll use an undercoat rake and an HV dryer, or a coat king

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