blue heeler very fearful and reactive

@lisac My son went thru this. He had a brother and sister that just didn't like each other. He had to give the male away. The female is the sweetest dog. Is this your 1st ACD? I had a lot to learn when I got my 1st one. They are a different breed. Mine still pesters my older little dog. No matter what I have tried I cant get him to stop. The old little dog is like and old man and just yells "get off my lawn" Yours sounds scared and until she feels safe its gonna hard to train her. Clearly she has attached to you. I wish I had better advise. If you can get her clam they are the greatest dogs and so loyal and loving
@zohmingliani she is my first!! really enjoying her despite being aggressive with other dogs. that’s really her only issue besides fearfulness which she’s already getting better with the more i take her out
@lisac I’ve had mine for over a month and he still won’t let me touch him. He’s obviously from a neglected home and it’s taking forever to overcome the years of fear.

He’s slowly coming around it can take a lot of time love and patience
@dee_marie mine is great with people, dogs and most other animals are the issue. you got this with your boy though! they seem like very sensitive dogs. will take time to earn their trust and get them up to par! i love them though. absolutely wonderful breed. so happy i discovered them