Bloodshot eyes with a blue line around the eyeball


New member
I had noticed that my dogs eyes were quite blood shot earlier on in the day but upon closer inspection a noticed a blue line right around his eyeball it’s weird because his eyes are brown, it’s got me worried because just the other day my sister said he threw up in my garden but at first I put that down to my gran giving him some Nando’s left overs the night before,but now I worry It could be something else.he’s always loved being let of the lead and is always sprinting away looking for something to chase and he normally goes up to other dogs and if they are bigger than him he will bark but never touch them but recently when dogs come up to him he doesn’t even acknowledge them which is weird because that’s the opposite of what he’s been doing the last 9 years but he has been running about as usual but he’s eating a LOT of grass and when I try get him to move he doesn’t budge. I know he’s getting old but he’s a jack Russell and they tend to live longer than a lot of dogs.
Can someone please reply with possible illnesses and or advice I just hope he’s ok

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