Bitey, poopy, barky, stressed-y


New member
Hi all, I have a 1.5 year old shih tzu mix who we rescued when he was 9 months old. He was born with a cleft lip and palate to a backyard breeder. He has a brother with behavioral issues in a shelter. His DNA test said he's extremely inbred. I'm giving this as context because I'm not sure if he can be trained.

He is a sweet dog, but bites people, often with no provocation. He broke skin once slightly when we first got him. Otherwise he hasn't caused injury-the bites could be described as nipping. This is a big problem and worse because I have younger kids. He also pees and poops in the house despite going to a trainer and following all the house training advice. We have taken him out to pee as often as every 30 minutes without success. He has periods of constant barking and has separation anxiety. We don't leave him alone very often. He is extremely high energy. Impossible to tire out. We have worked with two trainers and followed the advice we were given consistently. The trainer said she didn't feel he was an aggressive dog, it was more like he never got the puppy nipping trained out of him. But now it's been 7 months of working with him and very little improvement.

I have an upcoming appt with our regular vet (she's evaluated him before and he didn't have any medical problems then). My friend thinks we need a vet behaviorist.

Any suggestions for a vet behaviorist in MA (preferably Boston area, but we'll drive if necessary)? Also, can anyone give me a ballpark of cost in MA? We have Trupanion, but I don't think this cost will be covered. Thanks so much.
@cobondservant Thanks! We're willing to exhaust all of our options before we consider surrendering him back to the rescue, but ultimately, the kids' safety has to come first.