Puppy poopy everywhere

@ignatiusdidache The crate is your safe spot, where you can leave him when necessary and he won't get hurt, and he won't damage your house.

So work harder on making him tolerate the crate. Only gets fed in there. Great treats if he goes in on his own power. Maybe hide a great treat in there.... but especially the first time, don't just slam the door shut and leave him trapped.
He's missing his mom and littermates. He slept piled up with them, with their warmth and hearing their heartbeats. He misses them! He is crying because he misses them. That's normal. Decide now if he's going to sleep with you. If you allow it now, he will be in your bed lifelong. Some people go sleep in the dog bed with dog the first week.

But you need to be able to put him in crate a couple hours. Think up ways to play with/in crate. Line in with soft (washable) towels or something soft under him. If he pees/poops in there, clean it tight away - he's just a baby and doesn't have control of those functions yet.

He doesn't hate the crate yet. He hates being alone. Make the crate a pleasant place and for now allow him to wander in and out at will. Put surprises in there.

Love him. He will recover from missing mom.
@ignatiusdidache I’ve got a 4 month old pup and here are some suggestions that’s helped me in the last few weeks…
  • take away food/water after a certain period at night. I take my puppies water away at 7pm, after our last walk because his main problem is peeing inside for some reason.
  • I read on a puppy training website that a dog can essentially hold its bladder for 1 hour per each month it’s been alive. So, as a 4 month old, he can hold it for 4 hours essentially. So I started him at walks every 3 hours when he was 3 months old, now we’re doing every 4 hours and it’s been pretty good.
  • my puppy responds really well to praise + treat reinforcement every time he goes outside. I also see taking him out as an opportunity to jet him earn his treat so in addition to the walks we go to dog parks, brunch with friends etc during which we also work on commands and socialization.
  • I had my pup in diapers at one point when he was on the bed.
  • I was getting up in the middle if the night to get him to use the puppy pads so he didn’t have accidents.
We’re now sleeping through the night, with no accidents and this is all within 3 weeks. Good luck!
@ignatiusdidache Meanwhile i have my aussie since last week friday and he onl peed inside twice (he did it while he was asleep and did not even realise)

Weird how different they are

But i also crate trained him since day one with an adjustable divider

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