Beyond mad: Client lies to us about his dog’s health, dog almost dies


New member
Just need to vent so I can shake this incident. A couple of days ago a baby groomer at our shop took in a 16 year old Maltese that has been coming to us for years. As a corp, we ask on check in if the dog has and heart problems or any health problems in general. Owner says dog is in good health.

The groomer washes the dog and begins clipping it. She hadn’t started nails yet but from what I could see the dog was being super good and chill for the wash, dry and now the clipping. I’m working the table across from her when I hear the groomer gasp. Out of the corner of my eye I see the dog sag over and the groomer screams.

I got my dog off the table and ran over. Dog is unresponsive, not breathing and tongue is purple. I start doing CPR. After a minute, the dog lifts its head and I rub it to wake it up. He stands up and I scream to get the manager. Dog is alert now but manager grabs the kennel and we get him in to rush him to the vet. The groomer goes into the back and we can just hear her crying her eyes out. I hop in the car with the manager in case the dog stops breathing again while he is driving.

The vet makes sure the dog is stable and the owner rolls up… Oh yeah, the dog has a heart murmur and has been having syncopal episodes for THREE YEARS. THREE YEARS OF LYING TO US.

I’m beyond choked. I lost my 7 year old pitbull in June and I was conquering my flashbacks of seeing her collapse, desperately trying to do CPR and seeing her tongue go from purple to blue to white as I loaded her into the car to make a run for the e-vet. The guy apparently said he was going to come by the shop and thank us for our quick action (which he hasn’t). If he comes I’m definitely going to hide in the back because he is not $&@?ing welcome.
@cathya Seriously, it’s because “it’s just a dog” until any situation arises involving money, the dog being injured in any way, an emergency trip to a vet, or the client not getting exactly what they want. I very clearly articulate “Does Fluffy have any health issues such as allergies, arthritis, seizures, heart issues such as murmur or disease, or ANYTHING I NEED TO KNOW ABOUT?” And without fail I am informed at pick up or at the vet “Oh yeah, Fluffy has xyz serious health issue. I thought I mentioned that earlier, must have slipped my mind. Do I have to pay for this?” with zero remorse or apology. It truly takes a lot of energy not to tell these assholes off for being so incredibly irresponsible.
@chris_1989 To me it’s the worst when people say stuff about senior dogs showing signs of distress, a health emergency etc appended by “He just does that, he’s totally fine, just keep doing the groom.” Like no. Maybe it’s nothing to you, but that’s because you haven’t thought the consequences through.
@cathya Yep. I had a 15yr twice a year toy dog on my books a while ago. Notes continually said 10/7/5 due to matting. In walks excuse me is carried a matted, skin and bones, permanently arched back, atrophied legs, close to falling over while standing still dog. I took the dog, explaining based on age, and physical condition dad needs to pretty much stay in the store for the duration. Dad said no dog is fine and left. I got the nails trimmed when my then manager pretty much made the decision the dog needs to go home due to an inevitable emergency vet trip. So I called dad, explained everything, and his responses were: 1) She’s a senior dog. Of course she’s skinny, and wobbly. They are all like that. If you can’t handle that you need to not book yourself senior dogs and probably get a new job. 2) She’s always matted, she was matted six months ago and that groomer did not have any problems. Seems like it’s just you. 3) She’s been in the exact same physical condition for years. It’s never been an issue until you. 4) Why is it going to take so long. She is always an express (he specifically declined the express cause of the $15 fee). - I told the guy my manager is the one who made the decision and here she is to tell you the exact same thing. But you know how corporate is. After he cussed her out in the phone my profits first pushover manager told the guy I was new and should not have been booked any difficult dogs so sorry about that (I’m going on 8 years), and that the last groomer will gladly take the dog. I finished out my two weeks and found out that manager forced the prior groomer to do the dog “one last time” but made it very clear she refused to groom it or help because it’s incredibly unsafe. Pretty sure client never paid due to my “incompetence”.
@cathya And here I was worried my note taking of every injury and health issue my dog had and is suspected of was a annoying to most people 🥴. I'm glad groomers will appreciate it when I get my poodle in the future. And thank goodness for people like you, who care so much for the well-being of their non-human clients
@pastorhsebele I’m pretty sure he thought we would turn his dog away if he mentioned the dog’s health issues, so he decided to slide in without bringing them up. I don’t think he ever thought over the consequences or how it would impact everyone in the salon. Groomers by default are pretty tough but in other areas we are extremely sensitive.
@cathya As a bather who had that happen a couple times in the six month stint I did for a charity-supporting grooming salon, please give baby groomer a hug and make sure he or she knows they are NOT at fault at ALL and they did exactly the right thing - alert you and let you handle it because they didn't know what to do.