Banned from r/dogs (also wtf is my dog doing here?)


New member
Its finally happened, a permaban for linking to aversive content. My crime? Reccomending a puppy book to someone asking for puppy books to read.

Hello, You have been permanently banned from participating in *name of sub removed, dont want to break rules here too lol* because you broke this community's rules. You won't be able to post or comment, but you can still view and subscribe to it.

Southend dog trainings puppy book. About the most aversive thing in there is saying don't let your puppy out of a crate when they whine (if you know they are tired after exercise). Anyone else read it? What you guys think, I quite liked it.

I got a seven day ban from the puppy sub this morning to boot for linking two videos on teaching a send out/away for someone asking for a new trick to teach there dog too. All positive reinforcment with visible results but not approved trainers apparently.

EDIT 2: One of the mods at puppy 101 contacted me to further explain the ban after seeing this. In their defence I have had mutiple warnings from there before. It was early and I was too tired to check the rules before posting. No real issue with that ban. I actually like that sub, for the most part its cute puppy pics and the usual puppy questions and I do see why they are very carefull with any potential harsh training where puppies are concerned. Don't go over there bashing them please.

It's getting so as here and closed FB groups are the only places for sensible disscusion of dog training methods. Just wanted to let everyone here know I think you are all awesome, keep training your dogs in the best way for them be that positive only or e collars and prongs and thanks for sharing your knowledge with dummies like me. Screw the judgey haters.

Side question - What is my dog doing here? She has taken to pushing her bedding to one side of the crate and digging the floor. She does it for a few mins then settles and goes to sleep. Door open or shut. I thought maybe food underneath or a scent but I have cleaned and disinfected underneath and the tray. She doesn't seem to be in danger of hurting herself so its not a big deal, just curious what she is doing.

EDIT:Just realised I put the sub name in title and cant edit it, what a faux pas
@sarahtoo It looks like nesting behavior, especially if you know she’s not wired (overtired or under stimulated). Looks a lot like my malinois boy before he spins a few times and sighs in contentment on his dog bed.
Not saying this is it, but wanted to share: Digging in the crate and crate spinning can both develop as neurotic behaviors, especially in dogs like malinois, if they are under stimulated and/or crated for long stretches of time. My puppy has an “idle animation” of chasing his tail when he’s bored and not sure what to do with himself. I don’t want to encourage the habit, so I tend to redirect his attention to something I’d prefer he do while waiting for me. For example, he knows when I go to brush my teeth, I’m gonna be boring for a minute or two and will start tail chasing. I give him something to chew instead so he’s not self-reinforcing the behavior. Luckily he doesn’t do that in his crate, and it’s not even a daily thing. I just keep an eye on it because I don’t want him nonstop spinning as a habit.
@vespersk98 This was filmed after a morning walk, she took herself to the crate and she had a nap right right after but I will keep that in mind. Don't want it becoming and OCD like thing.
@sarahtoo Is she hot? We don't use the crate anymore but our pup would dig all the blankets out of the way to sleep on the tray of the crate. And now he now just sleeps on the floor instead of his dog bed. Cooling pad doesn't even help, he just likes the hard ground lol
@sarahtoo Puppy101 is unusual. They enforce rules that don’t seem supported by any skilled dog trainers I’ve encountered. They’ll say things like, “that’s an abusive and the world of dog training isn’t properly regulated” while establishing their own standards on training.
@bevy I got a post deleted on there because I suggested to someone to tether their dog to themselves, then sit & read the paper etc & ignore them to teach it to settle. That was deemed too aversive. I got quite the terse warning.

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