Anyone else have about a thousand photos of their puppies sleeping on their phone? No? Just me? K


New member
Update: WOW, I did not expect for my random thought of the day to end up being such a hot topic 😂 this community rocks!! Love all of the sleeping pup photos! Here ’s my 8mo sleeping, velcro pup
@ryanthenapster exactly! I don't know how people have pictures of their puppies sitting perfectly outside... When my pup is outside, I'm too busy making sure he doesn't eat that branch/bird poop/patch of dirt, or chase that bird/squirrel/cat etc.
@ro1245 best thing I can recommend is focus training! train them to look into your eyes when you say their name, and practice adding distractions slowly over time. it works well if you reward them well and say ‘no’ when they divert their eyes