Anyone’s dog reactive to a specific breed?

My dog (Australian cattle) hates German Shepards, which sucks because they’re so common?? For awhile he was reactive to all dogs bigger than him but I’ve really worked with him using BAT 2.0 training and he’s pretty chill now. Like yesterday we saw 2 st Bernard’s, a poodle mix, some other longer hair colliesc, etc. all good. Then we saw a GSD and he’s barking again?? I have no idea why they upset him and don’t know what to do about it. It’s especially annoying in the car. He won’t stop even after the GSD is out of eyesight, long after we’ve driven away.

He has no history of being attacked or mistreated by a GSD, which is why I’m so confused??
@myautumn Mine too! I assumed it was because he had a couple of run ins with pushy shepherds and huskies, but those incidents were minor and he doesn’t have the same visceral reaction to pit bulls, even being bitten repeatedly by one.
@kathleenloveschrist I know lots of dogs who are extra reactive to a specific breed or look. The most common seem to be:
  • huskies, spitz types, etc. This can extend to all large prick-eared dogs
  • brachycephalic breeds, I guess because of the sounds
  • herding breeds, I think they give off subtle vibes with their staring and posture
My dog has always been more reactive to herding breeds. Last year he got attacked by a husky and now all huskies are what my trainer calls "enemy dogs".
@kathleenloveschrist Mine doesn't like very well-behaved dogs...the dogs on walks that aren't interested in sniffing, they're in a perfect heel, and are focused on their owners (I think he thinks they're sellouts)

Also doesn't like shortmuzzled breeds or confident puppies
@kathleenloveschrist My GSD is terrified of other German shepherds. Our trainer said it's probably cause German shepherds look scary, they are big with pointy ears and bark a lot. They also tend to stare which can be triggering for some dogs.
@kathleenloveschrist Dogs def have vibes about breeds! My non reactive dog is obsessed with pugs. She just wants every pug to love her, kiss her, play with her, it’s very funny. And she is not a pug herself. She doesn’t act this way about any other dog breed lol

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