And a happy Thanksgiving to you too


New member
Just was informed of a 0/10 review calling me by name (10 stripping a pelted doodle) was posted around “dinner time” today. And normally I would have been a bit bothered cause even though I did what was necessary, and was insultingly detailed and transparent about what this client should expect these thing never feel good. But today, I’m pleasantly entertained. It brings me some kind of sick satisfaction that I single-handedly ruined some randos entire holiday week just because broski and co. can’t brush their dog. I am willing to bet a pay check he was encouraged by his dinner guests to leave a bad review (and they were probably drunk let be honest). Oh dear, what a week huh?!
@chris_1989 Lol I know the feeling. I had to shave a doodles tail recently. The owner understood and agreed to it. I was able to do their normal haircut otherwise. I checked her out, she tipped well, and walked out. I could hear her children screaming from inside their car all the way into the lobby. One kid screamed, "not the tail!" And the mom just yelled back, "she had to because I didn't brush!" It made me chuckle, ngl. At least mom takes responsibility.

I had another situation recently where I had to shave a doodle all over except the face (3/8 tbh). She came in and said, "shave her all over." I said okay and told her the ears and tail is going, too. She left. This dog kicked and screamed the whole time. It took 2 people to groom her legs and paws. The owner apparently has a vlog about being a stay at home dog mom. She posted a video online about how I shaved her and made her look like a naked mole rat. She even taped me without my knowledge and included it in the video. My coworker sent it to me. I was kinda mad at first, but then, she said, "Her tail is gone, and I don't know what happened!" And I just busted out laughing like, "Yes, you do."
@skyrue Yeah, they have 7 doodles that all have to be shaved down each time. I'm not sure what she's doing as a "stay at home dog mom," besides making vlogs. She's definitely not brushing them.