Am I Overreacting?


New member
Hi All! I’m a mobile groomer and would like some input from other groomers to know if I’m overreacting or not about a dog that was put on my schedule.

So I saw I had a lab/collie mix put on my schedule, bath and brush, no big deal. Then I look at the notes. “8 years old. The dog has NO VACCINATIONS.. First professional groom ever. Only had one bath in their life 5 years ago. Doesn’t leave the house or come in contact with other dogs. Will give 2 benadryl day of the appointment.”

I told my manager I don’t feel comfortable doing this dog. To me it just sounds like an absolute recipe for disaster but she didn’t seem to want to take my no for an answer. She’s never been a groomer before.

How would other groomers feel about this appointment? Am I overreacting?
@wharley It’s legally required to have at least a rabies vaccination so unless the dog has that you can’t do this dog. If the dog does have rabies, you’re still valid for not feeling comfortable doing this dog. So many red flags 🚩
@wharley Nooooooooo. If you get bit, that’s going to create a nightmare scenario for you, your boss and the dog and its owners. Plus you would be alone with the dog!!!
@wharley Hard no. That dog has not been desensitized to grooming or have any vaccines. this is on the owner for not socializing the dog and getting them groomed or vaccinated from the get go. If they need the dog groomed for medical reasons ask the vet. Otherwise keep doing what they have been doing because no groomer in their right mind that’s not being exploited by their employer would take on a case like that with only Benadryl on board and no vaccines. That dog likely needs some tender loving medication and grooming in a veterinary setting incase something goes wrong….oh and to get its vaccinations done! Not over reacting at all. Stand your ground.
  1. no vaccinations. that's an automatic no
  2. more than 6 mo old for a first groom. That's a no
  3. benadryl is not an antianxiety drug. so, no
  4. Has this dog ever been seen by a vet? How long since someone last listened to its heart etc? It's technically a senior dog and should be having 6 month checkups. What if it drops dead from some undiagnosed health problem? That's a no.
Someone please train your manager, she's trying to book the busiest season of the year while dog illness is all over the news and things could get ugly fast
@wharley Oh my gawd this is the second post where the client hasn’t gotten vaccines for their dogs. There is a respiratory illness going around! Absolutely not! You should not do this dog. Don’t even get me started on the rabies vaccine.
@wharley First and foremost, if you got bit by this dog, not only is your boss's workers comp gonna skyrocket (because it was avoidable and they're gonna have to pay for doctors and potentially rabies vaccines for you and such), the dog will have to go into quarantine at a bare minimum at the owners expense, and worst case scenario be euthanized and tested for rabies.

Laws will vary based on your state, so I recommend looking up what's required. I wouldn't touch an animal in a professional manner that's never been vaccinated.
@wharley Nope, sounds like something I'd suggest to a vet groomer or a place with more staff on hand just in case. Hate for something to happen and you're trapped alone
Sorry I was working and couldn’t respond but thank you so much to everyone for their input! Seems like the overall consensus is that I’m NOT overreacting!! Going to stand my ground and tell my boss I’m not attempting the service. It is abso-f*ckin-lutely not worth the risks.

Thanks, everyone 🙏
@wharley send them the legal requirements for dog vaccines and then send them a link to how much post exposure rabies shots are. Get in writing that your boss will cover those costs if you get bit.
@wharley Is there a medical reason they can't have the rabies vaccination? If there is I would want a statement from the vet. Also needing to have Benadryl before the groom makes me question its personality. Is it just for anxiety or is it because it doesn't tolerate grooming and will snap at the groomer. I would definitely keep a muzzle handy but I would be nervous with its breathing and having a dose of Benadryl. Just take it slow. Feel it out the moment you meet the dog and start reading it's body language. If you don't feel comfortable send it home. It's not worth your health to get bit by an unvaccinated dog. Who knows this pup also may be an absolute angel too. Just use your best judgement. Did the person taking the appointment tell them they need updated rabies vaccine info?
@wharley I’m so glad ♥️. And I forgot to say earlier, some meds that sedate dogs Also cause a Masking of reactive biting, so you’re more likely to have a sudden lunge and snap/bite with NO warning

Good for you ❣️