Adolescence is hard


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Today while out training my 1.6yo gsd x lab we were caught off guard by a man and a small dog. Before I could react fast enough he’d yanked me over onto the wet and muddy grass. I just sat there for a minute in disbelief before tearing up. I spilled all the treats, so we couldn’t continue, and even if I hadn’t I was so upset that I just brought him straight home.

As the day has gone on my body is aching more and I’ve just generally been feeling the blues and like I’m not good enough, not doing enough, not this not that etc. I calmed down. But I’m not gonna lie, I didn’t want anything to do with him for a few hours when we got back. It really felt like we’d made a lot of progress and it was just all out the window.

We have a cuddle and I feel myself settling down. I go to the bathroom. He’s still obviously having some big feelings because I come back into the room and he has ripped my squishmallow. He knows it’s mine. My only one.

I put him out of the room and now I’m writing this.

It’s so hard.
When you realise you got the dog you needed, and not the dog you wanted.
My back hurts. I fell forward and even my breast is a little sore. I feel embarrassed that I fell over. I feel shitty that he’s been having big feelings too and feels bad as well.

Ugh. I don’t even know where I’m going with this. Today sucked. We try again tomorrow.
@jrprice Awwh your a good parent 💗 it's okay to feel like crap! I have cried so many times and been pulled over and hurt in front of lots of people.
3 years on and I can't believe how far we have both come 😵‍💫🤣🤪
@garrusknight Needed to see this 🫶 I know I’ll look back on these days with fondness and miss his craziness one day. But pulling me down and then eating all the treats I’d spilled while I sat on the wet grass sniffling was rubbing salt in the wound 😉
@jrprice Oh yeah especially around people 😭 and you will definitely look back at all the puppy times and laugh with disbelief that you BOTH made it this far together but faaarr out do they test ya! I love quilt covers so had lots....when I adopted my girl she slowly chewed all the buttons off most of them 😓 took ages to show her it made mummy sad....
@jrprice I totally feel this, and I’m so sorry you’re going through it. If it makes any difference, I’m a 6’2 275lb man in his forties and I’ve been pulled over this year. I’ve also hauled my dog off a passing small child in a public park after she decided it needed a good bit of grooming, and been banned from bringing her into work. They’re hard work and it’s mentally draining. It’s not you.
@servant232 That does make me feel a bit better 🫣🤣 Sometimes I get so in my head about things and yesterday really had me feeling so embarrassed and defeated. You always see online these perfectly behaved dogs. You don’t see the ones that are slobbering all over kids at the park and pulling people over. It’s comforting to know I’m not alone in the feeling
@jrprice I feel ya! My 2yr large mixed breed pulled me in exactly the same way. Couldn’t lift my arm for a week because of pulled muscles through my arm/shoulder. She was getting so good and but that one dog walking 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️. Hasn’t chewed anything in ages but last week she got hold of a a dvd set I got for Christmas, a wood coaster my child made in school and a few other items. Make me wonder why I let the kids choose the puppy. Who didn’t I refuse another big dog or a mutt with unknown breeds…. But she is so very awesome sometimes…. Hang in there!