Accidental mating help


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My female golden retriever tied once with a golden retriever stud 5 days ago. Today my husband let his male GSP out and he jumped a 6 foot fence and tied with her. Is she likely pregnant now by both studs? Is there anything I can do?
@usherwife Yes your dog could be pregnant by both studs. No individual puppy will have both sire’s dna, but you could have a litter of half siblings. You can call your vet ASAP to see about a spay abort procedure. Then you’ll not need to worry about accidental matings anymore. If you decide to opt out of a spay abort, still get n touch with your vet. The vet’s office should be able to give some ballpark estimates for some of the usual expenses for a litter. Some things to ask about would be x-rays for puppy count, deworming for mom n pups, and vaccines for pups. Some common complications require c-sections, retained pups or placentas require treatment, and mastitis is something to watch out for. When you’re deciding what to do, remember that there’s always a chance that your Golden could die whelping and that puppy loss is a reality for many litters. It’s a big decision to allow your Golden to whelp vs spay abort, so please do contact your vet’s office.
@usherwife Were you doing progesterone testing and working with a reproductive vet? If so, they may be able to tell you the likelihood of pregnancy from either tie.
@usherwife Did you do progesterone timing? Why was the breeding with the intended site 5 days ago? Eggs ripen typically 2 days after ovulation which is why dams are receptive after ovulation. If you don't know the ovulation date then there is no way of knowing the likelihood of which sire or if both sire's sperm made it to the ripened egg. If you don't abort, and your girl is pregnant, time will tell who the sire is of the puppies.
@usherwife Yep, she’s been bred by both. Either spay other or let her have the pups and DNA test all pups and all possible parents, which is expensive, lol. Dual sired litters are a headache.
@usherwife Lord have mercy on some of these answers... anyways.... Did you do progesterone testing? If so when did she ovulate? This will be the concrete evidence you need to determine her window of viable eggs. her eggs are viable only for approx 72 hours (this 72 hrs begins approx 48 hours after ovulation occurs) so if you bred with Golden stud on the true premises of her viable window then no 5 days later would not be an issue because eggs are no longer viable and if there is eggs there they are already fertilized...
@lvlelanie We didn’t do any progesterone testing. She was flagging for the male 5 days ago but she just about tore the male up when he tried to get near her. That’s how my husband was lax in watching them. She was in the yard and the male yesterday jumped a 6 foot fence to get to her. She is no longer flagging. I brought the male in there once again to see how she reacted and she was very vicious towards him. They grew up together so she is rarely vicious towards him.
@usherwife Ohh shucks.. thats really hard to determine then.. unfortunately the rule is that females flag when ready but Ive had females flag on day one as far as 21 days post first sight of blood and give the males false hopes unfortunately... if you planned on breeding her in the future I wouldn't call this the end and spay/abort.. I would speak to your vet about a mismate injection... (its still up in the air with that injection as well) dont beat yourself up over it... things happen
@usherwife There is absolutely no reason to kill her puppies. It's sickening that people even suggest this! Let her raise her pups and find them good homes. Mixed-breed dogs are generally healthier than purebred dogs. This is because purebred dogs have a limited gene pool and risk passing along genetic disorders from generation to generation. Typically, owners of mixed-breed pets can expect to pay a lower pet insurance premium than owners of purebred pets.