Accidental mating help


New member
My female golden retriever tied once with a golden retriever stud 5 days ago. Today my husband let his male GSP out and he jumped a 6 foot fence and tied with her. Is she likely pregnant now by both studs? Is there anything I can do?
@usherwife Yes your dog could be pregnant by both studs. No individual puppy will have both sire’s dna, but you could have a litter of half siblings. You can call your vet ASAP to see about a spay abort procedure. Then you’ll not need to worry about accidental matings anymore. If you decide to opt out of a spay abort, still get n touch with your vet. The vet’s office should be able to give some ballpark estimates for some of the usual expenses for a litter. Some things to ask about would be x-rays for puppy count, deworming for mom n pups, and vaccines for pups. Some common complications require c-sections, retained pups or placentas require treatment, and mastitis is something to watch out for. When you’re deciding what to do, remember that there’s always a chance that your Golden could die whelping and that puppy loss is a reality for many litters. It’s a big decision to allow your Golden to whelp vs spay abort, so please do contact your vet’s office.

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