A trainer showing a reactive dog walk


New member
I really liked this trainers voice over on a pretty recognisable walk to me

Just kind of hope for anyone going through a difficult walk today

I haven't watched the rest of this trainers stuff but I think I will.

I am very jealous of those lovely grassy open roads

It is nice to see a positive trainer because when you put dog reactive/ leash reactive/ reactivity in a youtube search it throws up a whole load of dominant trainers at me.. and that is inspite of me I ahev always assumed having a positive search!!!

There have been a lot of sad posts recently in the sub.

Good luck to anyone out there on a walk. May there be few triggers!
@monk58 Thanks for sharing that! I watch the first 3 videos in the series and will watch the remainder later. It seems like a really good series of concise and simple to follow videos.

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