2 y/o foster F cries a lot, need help to understand

Hi everyone,

Just a week ago my boyfriend was approached by a collarless, unchipped GS female that we’ve fostered. We know from the vets she around 1-2 and recently had a litter. The dog warden believes she was used to make puppies and then discarded. Her chip is blank but registered in Poland. (We are UK)

We’ve been given her a lot of love and food and even taught her how to play with a ball (she didn’t know how to play with toys) which she loves, but she cries all the time. Do you think she misses her puppies? Or maybe she remembers her abuse? I’m at a loss how to help her.

She’s very friendly and very clingy and needs a lot of attention. She’s a very good girl I just wish I knew what was wrong.

Thank you.
@theonlyatheistonhere GSDs are an anxious breed is how my breeder put it. Any of your points could be true. Try to rule out physical pain from possible abuse then love the snot out of her and restore her confidence in humans
@theonlyatheistonhere I took a GSD in at 4 months old and she would not allow me to pet her without peeing herself. It took over a year but I just kinda let her do her doggy thing and she eventually started letting me pet her without accident. Sometimes I think she even likes the pets! I think your foster just needs lots of love and understanding.
@theonlyatheistonhere How long have you had her? Typically, I suggest looking up The 3-3-3 Rule when it comes to a new dog, in a new situation. Keep in mind that everything this dog is experiencing right now is foreign to her. You don't know how long she was on her own, you don't know what her past was like, or any other multitude of variables. GSD's are notoriously vocal, but I suspect with time she will settle in nicely.