2 schnauzer incidents in the past 2 weeks! I’m beating myself up so hard. 🥲


New member
Both of the incidents were ear nicks. I just feel so dumb right now. Of course it was the ear flap both times.

I know these things happen as a newbie groomer and will probably happen again eventually. I’m glad I understand how to better safely handle ear trimming in the future.

Still, though. I disappointed myself A LOT today.
@svjoyner I've been grooming this one schnoodle for like 10 years now. He gets a schnauzer cut. I've nicked the same spot in one of his ear folds like... 3 times? at least? The first time it happened it was definitely me not being as careful as I could have been. Whenever I've groomed him after the first incident I've always been terribly careful around his ears but sometimes he'll just flick them or move in such a way that it happens despite my best efforts. His owner is so understanding and I always comp the groom when it happens, but god damn those schnauzer ears.
@svjoyner My kryptonite is nicking matted paw pads. Luckily it's never happened bad enough that like I needed to apply pressure to stop bleeding or take them to the vet, but I feel bad whenever I see a little droplet of blood after getting the mat out. I'm sure their paws are already sore from the matting :(.

I honestly hate doing ears to the leather. I'm so scared of cutting an ear.
@svjoyner Oh the same thing happened to me too back in April, I took two weeks off for my vacation and I don’t know what happened to my grooming skills when I came back but I had two incidents within the same week as well :( I still beat myself for it and I cringe whenever I think about it, it does get better though! I swear it’s something all groomers go through, we just gotta learn and safety is top priority.
@pierrepierre Yeah :( I recently started commission based pay (I work corporate) and have been pressured to do 5 dogs since which is something I now know I just can’t do yet.

I was so overbooked today. It’s like the universe was telling me “4 DOGS ONLY B1TCH!!!!!!!” and BAM! Ear nick.