2 months old puppy holding pee 8+ hours


New member
Recently adopted a 2 months old Shiba Inu, such a great dog, even with her very puppy moments. The first night she had a puppy pad, which she is used to and actually used on that first day, but ever since she started destroying them on sight, so they're either completely ripped appart or she doesn't have one because I don't want her to eat pieces of it. She had some accidents inside, but she usually hold until I bring her out and that's what surprises and worries me the most. I try to bring her out at night, except all she want to do is play, so I just let her chew toys until she falls back asleep. This week is an exception before Christmas vacation and then I'll have time to crate train her, but until then she stays in my (puppy proofed) room. Left for work this morning at 7am thinking coming back home to at least one or two pee accidents, except she did absolutely nothing and she just went straight for the door when I arrived. Is it normal or should I be concerned? Holding it in sure can't be good, but it's not like I could force her either. What should I do?

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