2 dogs, one puppy one old. both have issues?


New member
P(puppy) D(older dog).
we have a 14 year old Scottish terrier Jack russle mix and 8-9 month old bulldog puppy.

For some context so things make sense and I don't need to clear up some things in comments. I moved in with my bf last October, we live with his mum and older brother, P belongs to the brother but he has and never has had any intention of training or bonding with him. They had the terrier already for 13 years, they used to look after him and take him to the vet when he was sick but now they refuse and say "he's just old".

Things P does consist of biting ( a LOT of violence), jumping, peeing and popping everywhere (and then eating the poop) he now throws up too, he eats anything he can get his paws on and I mean anything. Dentures, dental wax, ciggie filters, a lighter, various food consisting of sugar, chocolate, cheese, wraps, flour, spicy kebabs
..this isn't even half of it. Me and bf have tried crate training from day one but the mother and brother will scream at him, tell him he'll go in the crate and then NOT do it, so he does not learn. He has no idea how to be safe om his daily walks, he ran into the road very close to a car hitting him just yesterday. The brother often takes P to show him off to people but the problem here is that P gets too excited around new people and will attack violently out of excitement, he also loses his temper very quick. He has bitten me and scratched me a lot and even left scars and bruises, he's bitten my bfs eye. He always attacks D on his face, ears, body, legs, he will bite them all, he has also started trying to bite and lick D's penis and testicles which we can see makes D very uncomfortable but he's old and can't make him stop. If P doesn't have 24/7 supervision he will destroy the house. He eats the floors and door frames, has ruined a rug and our carpet from pissing ALL over it, we really are at our wits end. Honestly there's definitely more to list but I don't even know right now. Does anybody know how to at least help him calm down a bit? he ALWAYS has toys and entertainment, he gets fed and walked 2 times daily (walks going up to 4 soon). He gets plenty of affection from me but honestly nobody else here gives him it, he's attached to me and gets upset if I won't let him be near me but the truth is while I love him and he's adorable, Its getting to the point I fear him and dont want him around. The owner refuses to give him away to a family/person that can give him a good life with proper care, so we're completely stuck
@hum Hes destroying the house because he's bored. He needs structure and routine. It is possible to train a puppy, even when other people aren't doing the same, but its going to be incredibly difficult and an awful lot of work. That said, I understand your predicament, and there is no way I wouldnt try too.

Firstly, potty training. Pup needs to be taken out every hour for the toilet, and praised when he goes outside. Ideally the same phrase, I use "toilet, good boy", but whatever works for you. No food rewards though, this is basic behaviour you want to instill in him. Keep him on a lead, even if your garden is secure, so he doesnt eat anything he shouldn't.

Walks. Two walks a day should be enough for him, depending on his age, but they do need to be stimulating. He shouldn't be allowed to pull on the lead at all, as soon as he does, stop, wait til he comes back to you, then walk on, and repeat. You may find you dont get very far, especially the first few days, but the mental stimulation will be just as exhausting as physical.

Basic training. As often as you can, short bursts with treats, or ideally part of his usual food allowance, work on basic training. Sit, lie down, stay, paw etc. Don't do more than 10 mins in one go, but you can do it as much as is needed.

House destruction. Pup should never be left alone, especially with him chewing/destroying the house. Not only is he doing damage, but its risking his life too if he eats the wrong thing, or gets a blockage. Im assuming if his owner isn't training him, hes also not got insurance either. If crate training isn't an option, is there a room that can be make puppy safe where he can be shut in if hes not interacting with people? This will also help him learn to settle. Sleep as a puppy is hugely important for his development, depending on exactly how old he is, he should be sleeping up to 20 hours a day. You can also give enrichment toys for when you want him calm. They work his mind, which is good for tiring him out, but also keeps him entertained. Kongs stuffed with wet food/treats are great, they can also be frozen for hot days/to last longer. Puzzle feeders, slow feeder bowls and snuffle mats are a great way of giving pups normal meals, but they last longer and he has to work to get his food. Change it up though as much as you can, and dont leave these down else he may destroy them. Natural treats like rabbits ears, bones, pizzle sticks are great ling lasting chews which keep him occupied too.

Biting and jumping. Biting needs redirection, so try and keep a toy to hand, when he bites you, a sharp "OUCH" or yell so he knows its hurt you, and as soon as he let's go, put the toy to his mouth so he bites that instead. If he carries on biting, drop the toy, remove you hands (fold arms or similar so he cant get to them) and the minute he is calm start playing again. He will quickly learn that when he bites you stop playing, so if he wants to play, he cant bite. Lots of play with toys to encourage this. Puppy's learn so much through mouthing, but mouthing people is something you want to stop immediately, as as he gets bigger, itll only get worse and more chance of serious injury. Jumping is a sign of excitement, but again as he gets bigger can cause real issues. When he goes to jump, turn your back on him. Dont talk to him or look at him until he has all four paws on the floor, the give fuss or treats or both. Keep at it every time he jumps up. To start with you may have to turn several times, but he will pick it up, just be constant.

I think I've covered most things you mentioned. A puppy is a huge commitment, and the first year is constant training. Its not easy when its your own dog and you've thought ling and hard about getting one, let alone when it's someone else's thats been thrust upon you. I'm sorry if I've thrown a lot at you, you can pick one or two things to address first, but I'd definitely make sure hes mentally stimulated so hes not destroying things, and get him to stop hurting you and your partner as soon as possible.

Feel free to message me if I can help, ill advise all I can!
@peacewarriordebra honestly this is all so helpful I've got my notebook out to write this all down, thank you so so much for all of the genuinely helpful advice its appreciated, ill take you up on the offer of messaging if I need to but if its not necessary I won't burden you, again thank you so much!

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