1 Year Old Golden Retriever (F) Depressed and Peeing/Pooping inside home after I Got a 2 Month Old GSD (M) Puppy


New member
Hi, this is my first reddit post and I wanted to ask why my 1 Year Old Golden Retriever female dog is not only less active and not engaging with us like she used to but also Peeing and Pooping inside home (she is potty trained and never pooped or peed inside the house) after I Got a 2 Month Old German Shepherd male Puppy? Also, how (or if) she will get back to her normal self?

Further background on the situation: I have an extremely cheerful and playful 1 year old golden retriever female. She socialises exceptionally well with other dogs and is always happy and loved. After carefully considering her behaviour, I got a new 2 month old german shepherd male puppy and socialised them beforehand in a neutral setting (the breeder’s house) to figure out if she’ll like him. She was ecstatic to meet him and played with him a lot. After i got him home she still continued playing for the first day and everything was normal but the second day she became silent and generally less playful. She also didn’t eat her food with the excitement she used to. She also stopped peeing and pooping outside in the yard and started pooping and peeing inside the house and immediately after that acted as if she knew she had done something wrong. I always make a point to feed, pet and give treats to her before the puppy and provide more attention to her so she doesn’t feel replaced or moved down the hierarchy. I don’t want her to be this way and it’s extremely saddening for my entire family. How should I handle this situation (please be specific)? and feel free to ask any more details if you want, I’d be more than happy to elaborate. I want the best for both my pups. Thanks.

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